The Clippers actually transformed into a legit contender. They were just "pretenders" until this season, and the Rockets are a good team, but they are not quite there yet. They don't have any real leadership on the floor.
It is interesting to see people talking about Ginger Spices game evolving finally. I said this last season when Paul went down and Blake took over. I was surprised last season when I saw it and it has continued this season. I thought he would be another Dwight but the guy worked and even stopped the stupid flopping (well mostly). I think he is a legit all around player now. It would be good to see Houston getting bounced cause they should never be there without the 90k free throws. Only downside is Clippers would be another round closer to the Championship. That disgust me too.
Clippers are not a good matchup for Houston at all ... if CP3 was healthy , it would have been a sweep...
Ugh, I really don't want Houston to win. To pick the lesser of two evils, I am going for the Clips. Then hopefully they will lose in the WCF.
Total destruction now. Yet, no one seems to be watching this game. Hacking Jordan did not quite work... he has 22/15/2 with 2 steals and 2 blocks. Yes, his FT shooting sucked but still... he's the high scorer today.
one more game. get this done, clippers. you are then free to lose to the winner of gsw/mem. until then, you're my favorite team. please note, however, that if you fail me you may actually supplant Houston as the absolute scum of my personal nba landscape. it would be that disappointing.
Dwight is garbage. Have fun with that punk in Houston and winning nothing Rocket fans. Blessing in disguise for Laker fans. Just like when he was on the Lakers, ejected and crappy in a game they needed him.
As I said earlier, the Rockets have no leadership. It's only fun when they are winning during the regular season. Well, have fun with your friends, Dwight!
I find myself rooting for the Clippers. I don't like either team, but I hate the Rockets just a tad more. Griffin has become more of a complete player, Jordan has really outdone himself this series. And Reddick is impressing the hell outta me on both ends of the floor.
^^ Me, too. I can't stand the Paper Clips but . . . the Rockets are a whole other level of despicable for me. They are my least favorite team in the league. I'm with Karacha - it's unwatchable ball to me and I'm not viewing any of the games in this terrible series. But I'm glad the Rockets are losing. They suck.
The team [save Ariza] as a whole is dumb as rocks [apologies to rocks everywhere] and are mental midgets. You figure Morey would have calculated intelligence and heart as part of his E-Wins evaluation when he put this sad sack collection of players. To quote the late, great Chick Hearn, they are not making Pi Beta Kappa decisions out there... Miller has stated several times that this crew is beginning to think they can't beat The Tenants. LMAO at a befuddled McFail trying to figure out how to keep his ship from sinking.
+1 Redick's been a phenomenal role player. He's been a huge part of the Clippers success. DeAndre Jordan is definitely having an easier time defending Dwight on the block than Duncan. He actually seemed demoralized at times when guarding Duncan, but that is clearly not happening against Dwight. Although I don't want either teams to advance, seeing one of them get completely destroyed is making me happy.
^Howard on offense...dribble, dribble, dribble. Turn right, toss ball to goal. I've seen more polished, refined low post moves at my local gym. Duncan has touch, great footwork and plays intelligently. A chasm of difference between the two...
The Clips are annihilating the rockets in a way that is so satisfying. Deandre is humiliating Coward all up and down the court. They've pulled together as a team and have kicked it into another gear. Memphis looks the toughest to me and I think will prob win it all with the way their bigs are dominating. Watching them and the clips will be fun though and I think could go 7 games. I'd take memphis but wouldn't be surprised to see the Clippers pull it out and win it all.
That's because Duncan is 10x the player Dwight is. Dwight's whole game is dependent on strength and athleticism and Deandre's got both on Dwight. He's slso mentally tougher than Dwight.
And Harden is the supposed runner up for MVP. Take away his 20+ FTs per game and he's just your average shooting guard. Media and the league tried so hard to make him out to be the best SG but so glad the playoffs exposed him. So glad we dodged the bullet on Dwight.