Bummer. Yeah, Bucks inexperience showed today. They are going to have to regroup for game two. I expect better.
Jeezus looking at the stats Bledsoe and Brown got shut down or what the heck else happened? Was/is C Bags perimeter D that good? Bledsoe's usually a handful. Dinged up here too like GS?
Gs is mentally exhausted; just lazy/dumb turnovers. Driving into crowds, taking eyes of passes. Hell, curry and Durant ran into each other once...not the juggernaut from years past.
Dubs are close to being done. Green killed their chemistry, he already run KD out of town. If GS resign him, they're f***ed.
Harden missed that three-point shot few seconds before the end. Paul got ejected out of frustration. The Warriors still won. That was an ugly game IMO. Honestly, both these teams looked better last season. I am not digging what they are doing right now, especially when you consider the talent. Too bad things went wrong for us this season, because these guys are vulnerable. At least the GSW era is over after this season. And when it comes to the Rockets, CP3 is not getting any younger. I don't see how they can significantly improve in the offseason; someone educate me. I wish Portland could somehow surprise and get to the finals and play against the Bucks. Why not Toronto? Because we have a better chance of Kawhi joining us if they lose early. Otherwise I would not care one bit.
Is there anything better than Chris Paul being ejected and giving Curry the game sealing free throw? Maybe Harden flopping on a 3 to tie a game and not getting the call and crying and crying about it to no avail. Maybe?
wait...so now we get like, 48 hours of coverage pitying harden for not getting enough flop calls? both teams were running under shooters all night long and the refs basically never called it. they were sending a message: nobody wants to watch that kind of "basketball". stop trying to draw fouls on jump-away threes and play the game, twerps.
btw, harden asking for a "fair shot" is probably the least self-aware statement i've ever seen from an athlete...or maybe anyone. your defenders are asking that you not be allowed to put an arm in their chest before every...single...shot attempt. but that's fallen on deaf ears for five years now. here's hoping your b****ing does the same. twerp.
What’s the rule on a shooters landing space? If he’s moving forward he has to be given a space in front of him to land but if he’s jumping straight up he only gets directly below him to land? Or does he get a few feet in front of him as off limits space? Harden jumps straight up but c**** his feet out two feet in front of him.
Golden State had the ref giving them multiple breaks through out the game. They aren't as dominant as they used to be. Whether they struggle to stay hungry or whether they are emotionally drained they aren't as dominant. They should have wh00ped Houston in game 1 and they crawled to a victory. Their bench gives them absolutely nothing. 10 points and 9 rebounds from their entire bench. Not exactly what you need for a deep run. But nothing beats the fun to see Paul getting upset and Dantoni being t'd up LOL. Houston is by far my #1 hated team, easily.
I loved seeing Houston’s big 3 of Har’en, CPflop, and D’Amphony not getting calls and all whining. I did not love seeing it took that for GS to barely win at home. I’d prefer they sweep them, and for someone to sweep CPflops leg Kobra Kai style so he’s unable to complete the playoffs once again. Legacy nearly sealed
Klay Pachulia - Bowen Refs were and are GARBAGE, they call this all the time in the regular season, now they don't. Och well... as long as Rockets are losing it's all good i guess
So a step back lean in three basically cannot be contested in the modern NBA? A defenders contesting motion is always going to be forward, so unless you jump awkwardly to the side from a straight on position you should always commit a foul or just stand still and put an arm up.
Och, don't get me wrong, Harden is a cancer. He does a step back move, then jumps forward and throws his legs into a defender more often than not. But when a defender steps under you, that's a dangerous play.
houston guys (including harden, ironically) were running under gs shooters who weren't kicking legs out. that's what houston would have you believe. i love that the rockets organization won the war on push-offs and travels and are now pissed that they can't gain even more ground. you don't get a 6-foot halo just because you like to flail your limbs. i agree. i hate this tactic. by and large, that's not what's happening to harden, though. he jumps back or side ways, then jumps forward and kicks his legs towards defenders. it's not a natural play. paul's are more obvious, but harden's are just unnatural, imo. now everyone's up in arms because he got those calls all year and isn't now? take it up with the officials/nba. would you rather he get them in the playoffs? do you want to see 20 more ill-begotten FTAs per contest until a houston parade? they play garbage basketball, and calls to reward it are sad, especially from the national press. anyway, read the responses to this tweet: this is how non-rockets fans feel about this brand of "basketball". stfu and go away, harden.