Get Davis... James retires and The Freak comes down to pair with The Brow. Kick out the jams for a decade or more. Boom!
Yep. Ideally, the Lakers want to sign a big FA and add Davis via trade. We should all know this by now... Everybody is available for Davis...period. in a long line of legendary Laker big men: Mikan, Wilt, Kareem, Shaq, Kwame, Pau, Zu... Meanwhile, live look at Nop approaching AD with that supermax contract (Warning- the following image may be disturbing to some viewers): #LAD
I literally laughed out loud with that second pic. The people around me were looking at me like I was crazy.
Yeah, I know we lost tonight...but up 11 with 7mins to go (and up 19 at a one point in the game), Nop still blew their lead and lost. No wonder dude signed with Klutch...cause this year, he needs some of it... Or this year (after Rondo & Boogie bounced), he's not getting enough from around him and using up too much effort early on, only to gas out late in the game. But it could be worse... gassing out into your career. Seems like a waste to a career putting in so much energy towards a team that ain't going nowhere. Kinda sounds like someone else's career, before dude did something about it.... Btw, this isn't the first person KG gave advice to: But but...people keep telling me this s*** is pipe. How's that saying go again?... #AnythingIsPossible #LAD
the small market teams can go **** themselves the current CBA was constructed specifically to help them out and bring down teams like the lakers
That supermax is turning out to be a double edged sword. Just look at Wall, sure you get to keep the guy you drafted but if you want to trade him, no one is going to touch that awful contract.
Or their hammies snap, and you’re forced to use the stretch provision on them like CP3 #speakitintoexistence
Christmas wish for everybody involved : I'm coming to LA in March to attend games against tenants , Nuggets and C Bags . I want to see AD in a Lakers uniform. Thank you all in advance .