Bron saucin on the _ubs. And say what you want about JC and Nance (btw he doing the dam thang...miss that dude)...this experience is invaluable.
I don’t get how GS keeps getting away with this effort. I mean, I get it, but eventually it’s going to cost them. It would have already if CP3 didn’t get injured.
See that Curry shot? That’s how they get away with their “effort”. The talent alone carries them. Barely, but still.
I think the Cavs averaged something like 97 or 98 ppg against Boston. 56 at the half. The Warriors should be ashamed again.
Load up this summer and take these pretenders out next year. I'm so tired of fans thinking these dudes are dynasty material. Curry in the 80s woulda got layed out. Tough guy Day-day and his hay-haymakers to the bay-bay factory wouldnt have f***ed with any of those 80-90 tough guys. And cupcake and his weak mental woulda nomaded around the NBA as a rental trying to get his rings instead of earning em. Kobe and Shaq woulda mauled these dudes, no question. If the Cavs can keep this a close series, that shows free agents this summer that they can pair up and take these fools out. Cali's got only one team that can sauce on this league... And they comin next season.
Clarkson still shook, I guess he will finish off the series playing in fear. Haa. He can’t even focus on making a play. Hot trash.
threepeat lakers were stronger in the playoffs, iirc. they looked terrible at times in the regular season. i suppose they had that close round 1 vs the kings before sac was a powerhouse, though. but yeah, the warriors play frustratingly bad ball sometimes (most of the houston series, for example). jvg was so on point early in this game when he was chastising both teams for not posting the switch-everything. they're not sending help--it would ruin the switches--just get the ball near the basket in the hands of a larger, skilled player. i couldn't believe houston got away with tucker or ariza at center for so much of that series. post-ups stopped working because soft zone schemes killed easy entries. the switch-everything doesn't allow for that kind of sagging.