I don't... I don't understand. Since when is it fashionable to wear suits that are far too short for you? Or are they, simply put, morons?
I'm watching for the sole purpose of watching the Cavs get destroyed and hopefully LLLLL exposed and embarrassed. gotta have goals.
Hey Lacob, I know you're saving up to pay cupcake, but stop hiking up prices bruh. Helluva a rivalry...amirite? No.one.wants.to.see.this.s***.N.E.more. SpaceJam2 out now...Tix still available.
Alright I take it back, I want the Warriors to win. If the Cavs win, ESPN will make a giant golden idol of LeBron, place it outside their studios, and between every SportsCenter the anchors will have to go out and pray to it.