Lin is gone. So I'm wondering why he was getting more minutes ahead of JC. Its not like we need a good player or showcase him during the tankathon.
Yep, that's a huge concern. Guys who are playing for their next contracts but aren't part of the long-term future (Lin, Wes) cannot be allowed to ruin the tank. That's where coaching needs to come in and Byron needs to keep them on the bench if they are playing well. If it's JC, or Kelly, or someone else that is going to be with us next year then fine, that's called player development.
I don't think regardless of his value he'd come back and play for Scott. They have fundamental differences. Wouldn't be surprised to see him go to Phoenix.
He'll go where he has a good opportunity; he's all about the PT. That could be Phoenix, but they already have two good, young guards. So I guess we'll see. He might hate Scott, but depending upon what happens with our roster LA could offer him a substantial role.
^ someone will make him their backup PG and overpay him. He won't be anything more than a poor fit 3rd string PG here, behind whatever starter we bring in and then JC will be the backup. He needs to go to an up tempo, p&r team that runs a lot of heavy guard lineups (phoenix fits into all 3 categories, we fit in zero). I don't see him buying into that plan from us and I'm quite happy about that. If we want a 3rd PG then I would prefer Blake, Udrih, Barea, Ridnour, Nelson, M. Williams, Brooks. They'd either be cheaper and/or better fits.
If Lin had played all season like he has since the all star break, he would find himself contract offers between $8-10m and would've been one of the 5 most sought after PGs this summer. He needs to go back to playing like the Lin I gave up on December.
This is like the spouse who really hard when they know it's too late to save the relationship. It's OVER Jeremy! Stop it!
All mental with this guy (just like Nick) and Pau to some degree. He's "safe" now, playing for a contract so he looks good... bench him
He's been... great. Dammit. I don't know where we'd be if he'd been playing this all along, but he looks great. He's getting the rim whenever he wants, finishing well, and passing creatively. Where the hell was this months ago? Screw this guy. I want to move on from the Lin era now.
He needs to be benched asap. Man, the way he's playing the P&R.... if he gets 35+ minutes, we could witness Linsanity 2.0
I am just skeptical that this isn't temporary Linsanity that will fade out when A) We sign Lin to a 10 per three year contract or B) Kobe comes within 20 feet of him or sends him a text message. Only Byron's preternatural man crush on Ronnie Price could save us from how Lin playing by Scott benching Lin in fourth quarters. This is the Jeremy Lin I thought we were getting this year. A little too late for me i'm afraid.
Well that's certainly one of the problems with Linsanity. It is only temporary and jacks up his market value. But we can worry about that later. The bigger and more immediate problem is that Linsanity involves a winning streak.
It gets worse. Coach mentioned he wants to start Lin again before the season is over. But I have faith in tank commander Byron Scott. If he moves Lin to the starting lineup, he'll handicap the lineup by having Swaggy P play starting center or something.
No, I cannot see it. After what Byron said today about starting Lin, I'm starting to think the FO might be contemplating having Lin back next year if we strike out on Dragic and prefer to stay away from Rondo...just speculation on my part.