Julius Randle Discussion: MIP

Discussion in 'NBA Discussion' started by therealdeal, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    No, I think they made it dirtier for the time being, im sure they can redeem themselves evetually. Im not suggesting trading randle will make it better for mintz/pg, i just think doing randle the way luke has been isnt going to makr mintz very happy. There have been reports it was mintz who encouraged pg to tell indy mgmt that hea not commiting, so that tells you mintz has strong influence over his clients...
  2. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    BK is a good market and DLo is going to get a fat extension there. If we find Randle a similar situation, Mintz will be just fine in dealing with us, regardless of how Randle currently feels about his playing time.

    Also this doesn't tell the whole story, but Jules playing:
    >30 min = 1 W (vs Denver where Millsap and Jokic did not play extended minutes), 2 Ls
    25-30 min = 3 Ws, 4 Ls
    20-25 min = 0 W, 9 Ls
    15-20 min = 5 Ws, 6 Ls
    <15 min = 2 Ws, 1 L
    abeer3 likes this.
  3. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Jeezus Vash your posts today are over the top dumping responsibilities for losses this year and past on Randle when there's 15 other good reasons as well.
  4. CarolinaLakerFan

    CarolinaLakerFan - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 8, 2014
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    This whole Randle situation has been sloppily handled both on the court with Luke, and in the front office with Magic and Rob. The guy worked his *ss off in the offseason and deserved more respect than this.
    Cookie, tada, alam1108 and 3 others like this.
  5. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    And as to the question why did he work so hard this year more so then others ..... [​IMG] .... because Magic made a freaking point of it with the 5% fat thing and Julius stepped up. Plus of course a contract year and he now has a son and a wife to support in the future as well. Doesn't mean he wasn't working "hard" in past off seasons.
    tada and Khmrp like this.
  6. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Jeezus LT....my posts are "over the top"???....Y'all need to pump the brakes on Randle being the "truth". He's done nothing to earn that type of respect. He worked his butt off in a a contract year, so how is the FO at fault for conducting business in a similar light? He hasn't won us anything, so what respect has he actually earned in this business? He wore a T-shirt early in the season that said "Pay Me". Really? What have you done to get paid? This ain't Mitch and Jimbo running the show anymore...those MozDeng checks are no longer available to cash. (Funny thing is they have done something...one's been an allstar and ones earned a championship ring).

    The fact of the matter is, we're young and inexperienced from top to bottom. Young players, young coach, 1st year GM and Team President.

    But what do we know? Our young coach seems to know how to steer a team that has talent and stars (see Dubs 34-3 record). Our GM and President know how to deal with top level talent (represented Kobe and is friends with the man) and have been extremely successful in their previous ventures. Our young team is no longer being blown out of games, can control some of their own fate (ie free throws, turnovers, shooting), we're still top 10 in defense after being dead last the previous seasons and are only 6 games out of the 8th spot even after losing 7 out of the last 8 where certain games were winnable and Zo, BI and 40M worth of salary where on the bench.

    The pessimism around here reeks and I know how it smells cause I was that dude not too long ago drenching myself in that vat. The major difference is that our previous regime didn't have a clue, while our current one knows that we are 2 stars away from contention and will do what it takes to get us those players. (Tampering charges proves that something was up with PG and Pritchard caught feelings because of it.)

    As is, we're no good. We need change and signing Randle to a max extension won't get it done. His minutes are maddening, but I don't see a cause for alarm till after the trade deadline. The 2018plan is the way to get us back into contention IMHO and OKC suddenly playing well in the REGULAR season means those plans are all for naught....GTFOH. The season has shown peaks and valleys for OKC, along with the Cavs and Pels. Till the summer hits, we really don't know how each of these free agent targets are going to react to the season as a whole. So till then, you can't scrap a plan or label it a failure. If we strike out in free agency, we'll cross that bridge then, but while its viable, you do everything you can to make it a likely option.

    I like Randle under the right contract and the right role. If he doesn't want to be part of that, then you find him a home and keep him healthy in the process. We saw how IT possibly could have nixed the Irving trade and it actually cost Boston another pick. We saw how Philly handled Okafor in that trade scenario. Randle's value seems to be high and I applaud that he hasn't spouted off at the mouth about his displeasure here. I'm thinking Mintz thought he did Indy a solid with PG publicly stating that he won't reup with the Pacers, but PG caught alot of heat for that. So he's probably telling Randle to keep his mouth shut, cause he wouldn't want another client of his to experience that. In the mean time we'll find him the right home so that he's happy and Mintz is happy.

    But more importantly, the fans need to get happy and of course winning and getting back into contention will get us there. Our sample size on Randle is large enough to know that if we simply add 1 star player to this roster, we're still leagues behind in talent compared to the Dubs. We're going to need 2 stars to come here and that most likely means, a fat Randle extension isn't in the plans (however I'm all for a modest extension amount as long as it doesn't block the 2 max player cap space we need). So get something for him while you can and Mintz looks like he's game, otherwise he would have told his client to demand a trade already....no different than how PG did it.
    lakerfan2 likes this.
  7. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    You voted for Trump V? I haven’t seen this powerful of a rationalization ability since talking to his supporters a month or so ago.

    We owed nothing to a lot of players in the past. Yet, we treated them with respect.

    I guess those days are truly over and the apples did fall very very far from the tree.
    tada, alam1108 and Kenzo like this.
  8. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    sirronstuff likes this.
  9. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Zen, So you're telling me the previous regime treated people with respect?

    Mass firings of loyal Lakers employees during the 2010/11 lockout.

    LO helped us get titles, yet after title #1, we played hardball with his extension and instead threw the max guaranteed MLE at Artest within minutes of the start of free agency. Heck we even did Ariza dirty in the process and that was one of Kobe's boys. LO (also Kobe's boy) was done even dirtier when he he became a salary dump in the CP3 trade, coming after title #2 and as he embraced and became a 6th man of the year. That deal got nixed so we dump him onto Dallas and still get that 9M trade exemption.

    And yet another one of Kobe's boys...actually his hermano...Pau took less money to go elsewhere after the blatant disrespect we threw his way, after he too helped in bringing 2 titles to LA.

    Do I need to bring up how they disrespected the ZenMaster (uh, not you, the other guy with the 11 rings)?

    Meanwhile there's Jules, who wasn't picked in the draft by the current regime and well, for the sake of respecting LT's wishes, I won't further dump on the guy...

    BTW, I didn't vote for Trump, but I similar rationalizations made towards Randle/JC are equally intriguing. That being said, the handling of minutes and rotations by Luke is concerning. If Randle remains on the roster past the trade deadline, I would want him to play more minutes too cause you're risking injury to other core pieces if you don't. Also, as a RFA its much harder to leverage a trade during the summer, so if we do match an offer we need to see what we're matching if we give him extended time on the floor. I still think its best to keep his minutes restricted cause the dude plays fast and free and he's better utilized if he's not muzzled up with 5 fouls if the game is in doubt. Luke said as much in that air out meeting yesterday.

  10. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Vash who said anything about Randle being the "truth" or the free agent we have to sign or any of all that other stuff. I am just fed up with the way he has been treated this year and after basically improving every year in varying quantities and areas. Magic give's the get in best shape of your lives edict and no one does that any better in the off season than Randle plus continue to work on what are the weaknesses of his game. Defense, right hand, shooting Js etc. But right from the start of the season no more PF for you Julius. And not one single start for you at any position but we're happy to jerk with your minutes all over the place while others making frustrating mistakes as well have much longer leashes with the coach's decisions. Oh and suck it up out there and keep giving us your all when you're left on an island to defend athletic and talented 7 foot centers who outweigh you by 40 lbs or more at times. And amazingly he has not been burned too horribly adapting to that role now given him. Guys go down, Nance the coach's "pet" (for good reasons) but also who was killing us offensively with his timid game goes down and still not one bone of a single start tossed Randle's way. So it's the zero starts after stepping up with the level of work demanded by Magic and the 8 and 11 minute type games while running skinny rookies and 2nd year guys into the territory of risking and causing various injuries. Like Zen said above it's about the appearance and lack of fairness and respect. He has earned that because he is no more responsible for the losing these past 3 seasons that he could play than anyone else including the freaking coaches and their whack lineups, momentum killing substitutions and rotations.
  11. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Literally every media outlet is harping on how Randle is being treated and we're getting minimal traction as to how bad we've looked without Zo and BI. Not to mention Kuz is a worldbeater but that all goes by the wayside since Randle is getting next to no run. This negative media attention is then feeding all the Lakers fans, so appropriately enough, that's what I'm fed up with. Also LT, you got Randle right there in your sig, so of course you value him (possibly more than LaBron, which is bonkers to me....hey, but to each his own).

    The fact of the matter is he got into the best shape of his life in a contract year. So if he's looking at it from a business standpoint, what's wrong with the FO doing it? Till the trade deadline, you want to make sure your assets are valuable. I understand he needs run for teams to see how much value Randle has, but his stats are already efficiently inflated due to getting run vs 2nd stringers and being able to run for days and through people (avg about 4 fouls a game) because of limited minutes.

    He's in the best shape of his life, but running all day doesn't mean anything if you've fouled out of a game. The way he's playing, he needs all 6 of those bad boys. If he's playing extended minutes with 5 fouls, you essentially muzzled the dog in him.

    So trade value aside and playing style aside, his minutes restrictions are infuriating IF he remains on the roster past the deadline. Obviously injuries affect your value, so I understand why they would want to hold him out to make sure he's healthy to maximize any return we can get on the guy. It makes absolutely no sense to risk injury to another guy by limiting a healthy guy that is capable of run...so that has to make you think that something is up. There has to be.

    However come Feb. 10th (cause we don't play on the 9th) and Jules is still here, unleash the dog. Ironically we play OKC on Feb. 8th (the trade deadline).
  12. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Media outlets? I'm talking about my own observations and what I see this season.

    And no, my sig reads PG first priority, (I guess OK as much as I can't stand him) LBJ too, or? Boogie? Or? Then keep Randle for small ball if possible. Probably not. But don't bring f****** Noel in over Randle and pay him Randle home town discount money (if that were even possible after all this) Because LBJ wants him. PG should be enough with the best of our young guys to put with James.

    I just wanted the guy to get a fair shot this year and from day one it has not happened.

    OK just read the rest of your latest reply and yeah I get all that.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
    ZenMaster likes this.
  13. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Randle starting tonight.

    @abeer3 called it a while ago. Team aired the grievance: why the f*** isn't Randle starting or at least playing more minutes?
  14. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    You're welcome Julius. I take full credit.

    tada and sirronstuff like this.
  15. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I've been wanting to see Randle in the starting lineup....but that's a crazy draw against DeAndre at his first at bat.

    I'm going to be interested in seeing his foul situation and how it affects his defensive energy/outlook as the game progresses.
    Cookie, LTLakerFan and sirronstuff like this.
  16. LaVarBallsDad

    LaVarBallsDad - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Cool. He is going against DJ. Let's see how it goes...
    LTLakerFan likes this.
  17. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Of all times to start him at center though we pick against Jordan? One of the bigger, longer, crazy leaping centers in the league? I would have expected him at PF and Bogut to remain C for this one. Then again last time we played the Clippers didn’t Randle score some huge hoops at the end of the game even though we lost?
    Cookie likes this.
  18. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I think it was on purpose too. So far doesn’t work out for Puck and his Moron bosses.
  19. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    Does he average more blocks against than anyone?
  20. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    No love for Julius?

    Considering finally his first start was against DJ Julius did fine I thought. 28 and a half minutes 17 points, 8 of 16, 7 rebounds, 2 assists, only 1 turnover and 4 fouls. Everything exciting about Randle on display at times. His strength, speed, finesse with some passing, agility in finishing around the rim with a moving start plus making Jordan look like a statue a couple times blowing by him. DJ too big for him obviously when in close around the basket. But I could see a confidence and a smoothness in his handling the ball and starting to look less often like the bull in a china shop and more polished. One wonders (I do anyway) how good he might have been looking at this same time with better handling and some starts when it might have made sense and more minutes. How can anyone think that barring injury he wouldn't look even better right now. And I have to think about what Julius Randle with this kind of progression with all those attributes above is going to look like in 4 years when he's just entering his prime. This is why you let him bloom and save the decision for later and not alienate him to the point of no return .... in case only 1 star player comes or none. Julius is desirable in that case as a FA as well. And the muscle and quickness on D. Just needs to keep his effing hands up on the perimeter to at least let the shooter see them. But that overhand rip of the ball away out by the 3 point line was Metta World Peace worthy. Strong, fast arms and hands.

    DJ with an incredible overhand bullet 2/3 of the court like a QB to Griffin on the play Kuz knocked him down at the rim from behind.
    raviator, Big Mamma Jamma and tada like this.

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