It's not like Kobe was getting those type of minutes early on his career. I get that they are our top picks, and first on the depth charts, but these kids have to adjust to playing a long, strenuous 82 game season, playing against elite level mature athletes. We don't want to be running these guys into the ground from the get go.
I get that. But Ball so far has been injured quite a bit without even playing a regular season game yet. I think that's something you should have a leash on if we want him to stay healthy. Ingram actually played a lot of minutes last year, but I do expect Kuz to take some of those minutes away as well.
babying a player doesnt reduce a players chance at injuires, if you injury prone you inquiry prone regardlesshiw much or little you play, ask Hart lol
Let's not forget the pace this team will be playing at. If they're executing out there then I think 28-35 sounds about right for key players.
Again, I've voiced it in gameday and in these threads...I'm thoroughly disappointed at how Luke is developing as a coach. he doesn't seem to get that there's actual expectations on this team this year. He's treating this year as a 'development' year but what he doesn't realize is that Magic and Rob are expecting us to win more than 35 games this year. Maybe not make the playoffs but WIN around that mark of 35ish games. He needs to stop playing around with the idea of Nance/Lopez or limiting young guys minutes and just figure out game flow and who would be great in what situations. Luke does have me a bit worried because he still doesn't have a clue of who should start and season starts TOMORROW. He played around too much in pre-season and now he's going to scramble and guys are going to be confused.
If Magic,Rob,Kobe,Worthy etc. think its dumb you think wed still do it? Who knows why and whats going on behind the scenes. Maybe they wanna up Nances trade value? Randles in the dog house? I dunno.
See that's the thing. Why are there so many question marks still? Isn't that what training camp and pre-season are for? To figure all of that out? One thing I didn't like was this whole precautious approach on not playing guys if thye're a LITTLE banged up in pre-season. We aren't the Spurs or some other seasoned, top team that can afford to rest their guys. We needed to build that chemistry SO badly and we didn't do that at all during the pre-season. Now, we're stuck figuring it out when the games actually matter. If we come out of the gates and start like 0-8, I can definitely see Magic and Rob dumping Luke. Also, we better not lose to the Suns on Friday. They just got blown out by 50 at HOME by the Blazers (who i don't think will be that good)
Ingram isn't a 2 , Deng isn't a 3 and Randle is a much better player than Nance ... I won't even discuss his absence of rotations in the 3rd . We got screwed with Luke , period .
Someone tell me what Luke is good at aside from being young and being able to "connect" with players? Go on, I'll wait...
Got some complaints with Luke tonight... 1. He needs to quit taking care of his coveted vets. Lopez should be the only one who plays, possibly Brewer if we need some depth. But starting Deng and playing Bogut shouldn't even be considered. 2. What in the world is up with these rotations? Lord have mercy, some of those were Byron "playing Ryan Kelly at the 3" bad. Absolutely pitiful. 3. Instead of taking care of his buddies, he needs to get some actual tacticians as assistant coaches, for both ends of the floor. The lack thereof is painfully evident when watching our guys compared to other young teams.
I thought Ball should've been on the court with starters from 7 min to 3 min left in 4th. Build something.... anything.....