I just saw this and had to create a thread for it. It's like something out of a 2K game when the player decides to do his own thing because the animation has already been set. Brandon Jennings passed up a WIDE OPEN layup!
Maybe he assumed chandler had closed on him and was right there, which is why he pump faked. I mean Chandler should have, it was pretty bad D on his part.
Actually on twitter Jennings said he thought Ellis had closed on him... I mean someone SHOULD have, but don't you at least look first?
OMG What was the score at that time? edit: found out. 39 seconds left... miami down by 1, makes it even funnier. Cole must be a double agent or something.
blob:https%3A//vine.co/f4667213-cb32-4959-9120-18cc31adb7db Because Kevin Durant doesn't need normal blood pressure anyway. Dion Walters helping send Kevin Durant to the Lakers one layup at a time. I am hoping that ESPN can start running some 'Who is the real leader of the Thunder, Westbrook or Durant?" headlines/debates to start stirring the pot too.
It's almost worse actually. He's just pouting openly on the court. No control at all over there in Sac. Byron might not be a great coach, but he'd lose his **** if he saw that from our guys. Purposely not playing defense? Yikes.
..... come on this is the guy that still thinks "farts" are funny. ...... although he may have a case for the latter Equally odd the other guy just jumped a little and kept on talking like it probably happens not infrequently.