Dwight Bragging To Kevin Garnett Caused Bad Blood Between Them http://www.foxsports.com/nba/video/...s-kg-doesn-t-like-him-011315?vid=383908931632
Lol, Dwight would count his freaking All-Star votes as if that's some sort of huge accomplishment, what a clown.
Anyone notice how tougher, crazier and angrier players get when refs, coaches, the hot dog vendor all attempt to hold them back? Before all of that...nothing but a slap fest and posturing.
That fight someone posted the other day when Melo was early in Denver uniform and everyone's being kind of held up as you say, and Melo sucker punches that guy and runs like hell backward. It had to be a hard shot (I'd always read about this Melo "puss" story but never really recalled it) as in the maybe brief second or so of toned down fan noise reacting to the brawl .... you can hear plain as day the punch landing. Sorry forget who, not important but he didn't blink, only became enraged and while being held back was doing everything he could to get at Melo. Who'd by then backed up and was being protected 2/3 of the court away. Cheap shot and action of the decade.
I could totally see Dwight doing something like that. So annoying. Dwight bragging about leading the all star votes is stupid too. There was only 1 center position. The guards and forwards had 2 slots, which would cause the votes to be split.
i remember that fight it was against NY and he took cheap shot on shortest player aka nate robinson...than he runned scared from enraged nate... to bad for ny they didnt see then how big wussy melo is..
I don't know.... just watched that video the other day and was thinking it was someone else, a taller guy but you could right. LOL at Nate chasing Melo.
Dwight just doesn't get it. Dwight just doesn't have it. Dwight bragging about 3 million all star votes. Simple math D12. One K.G ring > 3 million fan votes. Once you have no athleticism left and are traded to a bad team see how many loyal fans you have. Justin Beiber got millions of votes on an All Star Weekend, you can join him in the has been, trivia question hall of fame. Kobe gets it and we get it. You don't have to work under a circus tent to recognize a clown.
i just rewatched it...you are right...it was basicly nate vs jr and jeffries vs melo...but after 10 sec it was such a big mess you couldnt see, who was chasing whom...
i used to love watching KG when he played in minny, one of my favorite players but there's no denying he turned into a HUGE d-bag when he joined the C Bags and since then, i can't stand the guy
I've always been a fan of kg's game, but his persona has always been pretty annoying. I still remember his wildly immature "tanks and uzis" soliloquy during a wolves/kings playoff series. and he's been big on picking on little guys for years, predating boston.