Kwame played as many games as both those dudes combined. And Turiaf was never a slouch. But maybe you're joking. I don't know
Both Zu and Bynum were better than the guys ahead of them and deserved the starting position. Zu got it since the team is so bad that we needed to invest in our younger assets. Bynum got it because Kwame got hurt. Both earned their spots IMO. If your vets can't show the young guys how to win, then it's up to the young guys to get major minutes and learn to do it themselves.
Bynum's first knee injury killed him. He was just dominating before the first knee injury and then it kind of slowed him athletically..always rehabing instead of dominating... He did play for a while like he would become a hall of famer. But it wasn't meant to be.
yes. off of one leg. I remember it like it was yesterday. After the knee injury Bynum was still a beast and a force. But right before the knee injury he was incredibly athletic and I thought he might become a HOF if he keeps it up. But Bynum always had other focuses and hobbies beside basketball as well so there was always a danger of him not being into it as much as necessary. But man...memories.
those were great days. the lakers came out of nowhere to be a top team in the conference, then traded for pau gasol. all of this made possible by having an all-time great in his prime on the roster, though...
I believe Bynum just had that "nastiness" to him from the getgo. Dunking on Shaq, etc. No fear. Remember Bynum was meatier than Zu and had to slim down to 280. He had no problems banging as a youngster and already was bigger than everyone but Shaq. I think that is a big holdback for a lot of young bigs and why most take longer to get grooved in this league. At 7'1" 265 Zu is no baby but he needs to get in the gym this summer and he'll be fine. Soft hands are good but they're better when they're backed up by some guns. This is definitely just a projection at this point but, after hearing Zu's rant about losing the other night and just his attitude in general, I can see a little bit of enforcer emerging in this guy. He seems like the losing is gonna wear on him and he's gonna start taking it out on people. Especially when/if he adds a little muscle and realizes he's bigger than most everyone. The resemblance to Bill Laimbeer too..... Zu's scouting report is interesting. The jumper and limited athleticism were the biggest knocks on him. I feel pretty confident about his ability to hit the J, especially going forward, and I'm not too worried about his limited lack of athleticism because of how he plays. I'd bump his defense up a point, too.
look at the legs on zoobz. he gets that core strength down, m. gasol style, and he'll be a force on offense. fingers crossed he has the hoop savvy of m. gasol. there's obviously a blueprint, and i think he's got most of--if not all--the tools.
Luke on Monroe: "I don’t know if he was mad that Zubac was kicking his butt all night long out there but you grab someone by the neck, that’s not right.” LOL
Happy Birthday, Zu Alcindor. Zu is at a point where he can get his on a consistent basis. In his last five games, he's averaged 21.2 minutes, 13.8 points, 6.0 rebounds, 0.6 assists, 1.4 blocks, 0.2 steals, and is shooting 66% from the field.