Coach Scott says Lin to undergo MRI on both ears. Byron suggests Lin avoid cameras, loud noises and a 100 yards within Kobe's vicinity for the next two weeks. Lin says the last time he felt this pressure was working at a fast food window during College. He said he got a really big order wrong once,Kobe was ordering at the Fat Burger. and things turned ugly. Kobe plans to demonstrate how to flagrantly foul at the next Laker practice. Lin has 'volunteered" apparently. And this people is why Lin is not worth even worth Nick Young money.
Lin had one of his better games of the season too. But it wasn't just Lin too, why didn't anyone else tell him to foul or run out and foul. Wes was the next closest player.
I'm impressed with the force of Kobe's left handed pissed off arm swipe. But yeah right at the end before he bolts up there himself to give the foul the gif shows Lin ignoring him and staring at Scott instead. Wonder why Scott wasn't yelling same thing.
Scott said in the Post-Presser that he told Jeremy not to foul until 10 seconds left - which is why Lin wasn't fouling and why Scott wasn't saying anything.
It looks like kobe ended up remaking Rush Hour tonight with Lin rather than Swaggy. First Kobe shouts, shoot, shoot to Lin Now he shouts Foul, foul, foul. And it ends up like the pass to Jordan Hill play. TBH Jeremy blew it, but it sounds like Byron is at fault as he either gave him bad advice or needs to learn to speak Linglish.
Scott telling Jeremy not to foul until 10 seconds left is a really interesting dilemma on a personal level for Lin... On one hand, it's obviously a stupid decision by Scott - but on the other hand he's the head coach - but on the other hand he's a terrible coach - but yet he's still the coach and has enough power that Lin got demoted by him - yet conversely... Lin also needs Scott's support to win his Starting job back... So what would you do if you were Lin in that position? Scott is obviously wrong... but you need to follow orders in order to get your starting role back (?) - but at the same time, Scott also just commanded you to do something stupid - so should you just say f*** it and foul (making the right basketball play)? But wait (!), if you disobey orders and foul, Scott might even demote you more because you disobeyed his direct orders... Lol. And all of that in the heat of the moment with 40+K people screaming. What would you do? Judging by Lin's postgame interview where he laughs about Scott telling him not to foul (and then asks him 2-3 more times whether he's sure... "like cmon breh 4real?") - it seems pretty obvious he thought Scott's call was stupid too - but he just went along with it. It is what it is. All things considered, if I was trying to win my starting job back by following orders, I'd probably just let it slide and not foul either.
Yeah, I feel a bit bad for Jeremy in this situation. Bad call by Scott. But he gets the wrath of Kobe for following orders. Regardless, Jeremy had himself a nice game offensively. Of course he let his guy score as many points as he did so it kind of balanced out. But it was still nice to see him aggressive.
That's exactly what that laugh meant. Wow. I posted in GD that Ireland and Thompson said that the bench told him not to foul - and that was apparently true, but why blow those six or seven seconds? Given that both Lin and Kobe thought it was stupid, and every fan and every announcer agreed, I'm going to say that Scott's just wrong.
In that interview with Ireland above he doesn't even mention "until 10 seconds left" that Byron had said. I assume he recounted it in one of the other post game comments to a reporter or group of reporters. Now that it was clarified, I "hope" but kind of doubt that Kobe apologized to him after the game, for thinking he was just brain farting out there.
Yeah, I have to apologize to Lin here because right after that Memphis game I came in here right away and made a joke about how a Harvard kid doesn't know math.... But then after watching Lin's post game comments, he clearly was given instructions from Byron to wait till the 10 second mark. (Face palm). My fault Lin, not yours.
Didn't see the game, but why didn't Lin play? I read a little of the gametime chat about this dnp motivating him or not, I don't think it will. I think we should see what we can get for him in a trade as an expiring honestly. I'm not a big fan, he seems to have no real fire in his game. It shouldn't be a knock to say this, but he seems like too nice of a guy and it seems to carry over onto the court as far as his aggression goes. You want your PG to attack, to command a team, to go after the other teams PG, these are things I rarely see in Lin. He has the tools, he just seems to hold himself back.
Mike Bresnahan✔ @Mike_Bresnahan Here we go: LIn left without talking to reporters after tonight's DNP-CD.
Quite frankly, I think we're rolling with Clarkson/Price; Lin will be used has trade bait. I wouldn't be surprised if he's traded.
Laker reporters love to create drama. Like I said, Lin is almost too nice a guy, I'd understand if he did leave without talking to anyone.
This guys entire persona is built on faith and perseverance in adversity. I am sorry but I don't see it. He has never had a better chance to take charge of a team and contribute. I don't even care if he was sent to the bench. I felt sorry for him in Houston. He has had more chances in this league than a Price would ever get in terms of press exposure and contract/commercial deals. For all the absolute crap we gave Wes he never took this solipsistic self-pity party binging that Lins takes whenever something goes not to his all star expectations. He needed to prove himself or start saiLin of into the sunset of his N.B.A career. He has contributed nothing this year to the team. Seriously nothing. No leadership, no energy, he has not run the point. Nothing Nothing Nothing. Nothing Nothing. At times like this I wish the Nets still had picks so we could Lin on the deal. Thanks for nothing.
At the beginning of the season Lin said he did not want to be another Linsanity. Problem is, he is at his best when he plays like that. Constantly attacking the rim (something he can do at will) to set up other guys or get his own. We've rarely seen that all season. I was a big Lin supporter before we got him and when we got him but his play this season has left a lot to be desired.