1. What is EAD? 2. Shaq is petty as f***. This is nonsense and he shouldn't lower himself to this level. Then again, that's been one of Shaq's major flaws forever. Weird that after everything I'd support McGee, but he's actually being more mature than Shaq.
I don't think McGee likes that Shaq is always going after him on Shaqtin a Fool. Also I believe EAD means eat a d***.
yeah this isn't new, mcgee has been pissed over this for a while now don't get why shaq would lower himself to this but whatever, it's hilarious to see. yes, mcgee is as dumb as rocks but shaq fighting back on twitter makes himself look like an idiot too
i kinda find the whole shaqtin' a fool concept to be a bit distasteful. leave that to the interwebs. if you're a public figure openly clowning people on tv, you're opening yourself up to some justified backlash. mcgee should get thicker skin (or quit being as dumb), but shaq looks worse here.
It got to a certain point where McGee should have gotten residuals, then it got to a point where McGee should have gotten a kickback or part ownership. Finally it seemed like they should just call it "McGee is a damn fool" and be done with it. I think athletes do need a thick skin. However it comes to a point that the joke is all on McGee and they actively sought out his errors over maybe even funnier bloopers by others. They covered his game like beat reporters follow teams. It is personal, and tell me Shaq wouldn't have gone ballistic if they had invented a show called "Brickin' a free throw" and have used him as the whipping boy back in the day. Actually they should have a show called "Fish outta water" to highlight flopping in the NBA.
i laughed the first few times when he would make fun of McGee...but its just bullying at this point IMO
Shaq should just let it be and not even respond to mcgee. And mcgee should maybe play like a professional and not look like a newborn baby deer learning to walk out on the court.
Shaq thinks he can make fun of people for years and years and they can't defend themselves? McGee has done some dumb things on the court, but he's actually decent at what he does well and gets way more hate and ridicule than he should.
http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/...ddress-shaquille-oneal-criticism-javale-mcgee Nice to see KD and Coach Kerr come to McGee's defense.
When you have a website full of Lakers fans telling Shaq he's being immature, petty and bullying, he might want to stop
WOW , now I'm not surprised at KD questionable B-ball IQ on the court , he's just dumb as f*** " Shaq didn't have any skill , he was just bigger and stronger than everybody" This is the dumbest assessment I've ever heard
yeah there's defending your teammate and then there's making yourself look like a complete moron KD went the latter route
Kobe would never bother with this minutia. #biggerfishtofry Shaq took this too far with the name calling and apparently did a Dr Strange something rather on him. Enough is enough. KD: I didn't know cops could threaten people.
Shaqs mom told him to stop messing with McGee, so he said he's done. McGees mom (a great women's basketball player BTW) is still upset and wants Shaq suspended or fired.
Shaq should have been gone a long time ago. He has a very thin skin and doesn't offer any insight. Chuck doesn't either but at least he's jolly.
Shaq's mama is right to make that call. Crazy though that a 44 year old man needs his mom to be a grown up for him.