Season hasn't even started yet, but I figured we should a thread dedicated to this. The two obvious candidates for this season are Durant and LeBron. Unfortunately for Durant, he's going to miss a portion of this season. That leaves LeBron as the front runner. However, he won't have to do as much as he has in the past, and there's already talks about resting him. If his stats dip and if the Cavs aren't immediate contenders, that could open up a slot for someone else. Any early predictions?
I'd say some names to watch out for if the teams end up being pretty successful: Bosh, Lillard, and Curry. Each can have big years while helping their team in the hunt.
Throw Blake Griffin in there. I highly doubt it, but if he's actually become a 1st option, then sure. But I doubt it. Curry is my vote for a player that hasn't won it yet.
i'm rooting for Kawhi Leonard. just love the kid. if the spurs stays in a top level and he's role will be like the finals he can do it. Rose will not match he's mvp season. atleast not this year. a good story is Westbrook playing MVP level. I think it will be between Lebron, Kawhi, Griffin, Davies (because of stats), Durant and Westbrook. Maybe Carmelo.
We all agree that Anthony Davis is already one of the greatest players, but is he the MVP already? 1. He leads the league in blocks AND steals (well, tied for steals). He's averaging 3.9 bpg and 2.3 spg. 2. He has an otherworldly PER of 36.1, averaging 25.5 ppg, 11.4 rpg, and 2.0 apg with a 62.8 TS%. 3. He's averaging only 1 turnover per game. He has gone over 14 quarters without a turnover. He's only in this 3rd year!
Arguments for Stephen Curry: 1. Leader of a team that's on pace to win 60+ games. They haven't had a pathetically easy schedule like the Rockets either. 2. 27.3 PER, averaging 24.8 ppg, 7.7 apg, and 2.3 spg (tied as leader) 3. He's scoring at an extremely efficient 63.4 TS%. He's also hitting 3s at a top 10 all-time rate. 4. He's also 2nd in net rating, which is offensive rating - defensive rating.
Clearly Davis and Curry. But I also have a guy like John Wall on my sleeper list, depending on how the Wizards can stay up there in the East.
Remember when everyone was buzzing about how Lebron had the best PER since Wilt or something along those lines and that is why he's the best player and hands down MVP? Anthony Davis - 36.16 Lebron's best - 31.76 The media probably won't recognize it, but it's a pretty ridiculous number if he can sustain it all season.
Ok so future Lakers starting line up: PG: Curry SG: ME SF: Durant PF: Randal C: Davis I can dream, right?
Come on, now. That lineup is too good. Try to be a little more realistic. PG: Curry SG: Klay SF: Durant PF: Randle C: Davis Coach: RasAlgethi
Anthony Davis? James Harden Russell Westbrook Stephen Curry or someone else? I've seen a few analyst say Anthony Davis. That's if he can keep it up and maintain the Hornets as a playoff team imo.
Steph Curry so far. Westbrook can't even be in the conversation, record matters in the MVP race. As for Davis, that's bs if he wins if he gets his team to the playoffs. It would be deserved IMO, but nobody wins MVP without a top 2 record or so in their conference. If you can't give Kobe MVP in 2006, you can't give it to Davis in 2015, the criteria can't magically change.
Davis would get my vote. Just like Kobe in 2006 had mine, Davis is doing things statistically that are out of this world. He's the MVP in my book.
If we go by the criteria that IMO we should, a guy carrying his team, a guy who's team would be so much worse without him, I'd say Davis too. But the criteria since the beggining has been the best player on one of the best teams. Really I don't think most valuable player says what the award is about at all. Only Finals MVP fits that, as Leonard proved last season, he might not be their best player, but he was their most valuable that series.
I think Westbrook has to be in the conversation. The Thunder are climbing back up the standings and Westbrook is playing out of his mind. 27 points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds, 2 steals, while shooting 46% floor as someone with a reputation as a "chucker". But right now, given their record, I'd give it to Curry.