I think he needs a mentor. He needs a guy to screw his head on straight. I don't know if Kobe is the right guy for that, but he certainly could use veteran leadership and a strong organization. Miami might be a good place for him.
I'm just not sure Kobe's intense style is the right leadership style for Stephenson. It might be, but with volatile guys like that, it's hard to tell.
^actually, that's kind of what I was thinking. I view him more as a Stephen Jackson type, though. still, bottom line is that those dudes typically respect kobe and might listen to him/fall in line behind him. they're not listening to pau gasol, or al Jefferson or someone like that. still, glad I don't have to be the one pulling the trigger on such decisions. I'd be torn on this one, but my gut would say that it's a relatively low risk, high reward proposition at this point.
Kobe has referred to him as "boy" before even though Stephen Jackson is older than him. http://dimemag.com/2009/10/stephen-jackson-im-not-a-fan-of-kobe/