Klay 3rd quarter against the Kings or his game 6 against OKC ( and lots of others quarters when he caught fire) were a lot of more impressive than this one ... Pacers D was flat out terrible and very few " how did he hit this " shots from Klay... 1 when he fell away in the corner , that's about it Very bizarre 60 pts game
The mere fact that he barely had possession and took hardly any dribbles makes this performance pale in comparison to Kobe's. Not to mention the talent disparity around him. Still an impressive feat of shooting though. Good for him.
my concern is that had klay shown up in half this fashion a couple nights earlier, they wouldn't have dropped a home game to houston. he went 4-20 in a narrow home loss against an inferior team, and 21-30 in giant blowout of another inferior team. if i'm a gs fan, i'd much rather have two 10-18 games and two wins. this is why i'm still not certain they beat cleveland in a rematch.
It's like Kidd said though ..... that name kills his general fan recognition. Greek Freak not so appealing for a "brand" or all star balloting. Not saying he doesn't garner years of all star selections ..... maybe.
well, the name and the lack of translation from his individual brilliance to wins. if he was really the dirk/lebron hybrid kidd claims, maybe...they wouldn't miss the playoffs in the east? it's odd, but the video game stats era is already wearing on me. harden and westbrook's teams aren't that good. antetekounpo's and davis's and cousins's are even worse. if anything, it seems having someone do all this magic is WORSE for your franchise.
Just saw on SportsCenter that Richard Jefferson got a tech for winking and smiling at Kevin Durant after he dunked on him today. How weak as the NBA gotten with this nonsense? This isn't the N(o)F(un)L(eague), stop trying to make these guys robots, come on. A lot of guys from the 80's and 90's couldn't play in today's NBA, because there would be too many of them assaulting refs for calling this garbage.
no it's the Now Babied Association, because the players are liable to quit on their teams if anything makes them feel bad.
as i said in the offseason: would look good in a lakers uniform. young's improved play makes it less of a need, but i'd like to have an elite three and d guy.
Ugh.... Har.en. Holy crap. 53/16/17. Holy crap. P.S. Have him on both of my fantasy teams. No complaints.