loved him in minny, hated him when he got to boston. that 2021 HOF class is going to be stacked though. kobe, KG, and duncan
HOF class of 2021 is gonna have some heavy hitters, Duncan, Kobe, and now Garnett. Best of their era.
liked this guy as a kid, but (lucky for us) he & McHale turned down an LO + Bynum trade before the C Bags deal. then I began to learn how much of a jerk the guy is. he talks very personal trash and almost always backs down from anyone who steps to him. Called Charlie Villanueva a cancer patient, got personal about Melos' wife and I'm pretty sure Tim Duncan hates him too. Don't forget former LAKER Anthony Peeler threw a bow straight at his jaw and KG literally did nothing. One of the corniest and biggest fake tough guys ever. good riddance Thanks cachooka
Liked him as a timberwolf. Hated him as a ******. Whatever is in the water over there turned him into an ahole. Now when will the last of the evil scourge, the wheelchair, call it quits?
it's amazing what the boston move did for him, media-wise. he was a great player. i didn't like his fake tough guy stuff, but i liked pretty much everything else, and would have liked him as a laker. freaking mchale.
I'll always be a fan of Minny KG. Once he became a C bag, he landed permanently on my ish list. I hope he goes into the hall as a T-wolf.
Yup, doing what he did best here .... baiting and bullying smaller guys. Douche bag first and foremost. Great player but f*** him.
once he got to boston and started chirping guys half his size i lost all respect for him, his favorite seemed to be those euro guards. pretty sure the term "fake tough guy" originated because of KG i still remember the time odom slapped his a** and he did nothing but say a few words and immediately back off when he realized odom was his size. the guy is a legend but i have no respect for him at all, which is kind of a shame because he was so fun to watch in minnesota
Don't forget he often hid in the clutch . GayG thought throwing the N word out on the court every game would make him tough
Oh hell yeah I like the change in direction this thread is taking. Screw him. He turned into such a D*** the whole latter part of his career, and it was usually against smaller players, because he was a fake tough guy. Let's not celebrate his career for the basketball. Let's mock him here for the jerk he turned into once he got to the C Bags.
the tanks and uzis soliloquy is one of the dumbest i've seen. and that was with minny. people just started disliking him when he won. he was always kind of a d******. i still would have welcomed him to the lakers, and i still curse lurch for preventing it.
Huge fan of Minny KG, got sick of the green one. That draft class is going to be stacked. Wheelchair, Dirk and Vince Carter are the last of an era...
Probably the third best power forward of all time. Never liked him, don't like him, never will like him.