I think it would be pretty silly to make rules based on a very short term huge jump in salary cap. These conditions may not exist again in our lifetime.
he's also right to point out that the story is yet to be written in gs. injuries happen, as we saw this year and...well, almost all others. chemistry issues happen. there's also the problem with the repeater tax and harder caps and such keeping talent around their big 4. curry won't make 10 million forever. that bill's going to be paid soon. and durant's deal means they have to use all their space next year to retain him. iggy's going to age out, and they already lost barnes and bogut. i think their run will be more heat-like than showtime lakers-like. oh, and i'd like to register (for the zillionth time) my disgust with the owners during the last lockout. nobody was really after competitive balance. that's garbage. they could have it if they really wanted it. there are rules that could exist to keep superstars from ever being on the same team once their rookie contracts were up (including uncapping rookie contracts, interestingly).
Just for fun here's a look at their next summer: Expiring: Durant (Player Option), Curry, Iguodala, Livingston, Pachulia, West. Guaranteed contracts: Thompson- 17.8 Green- 16.4 McCaw- 0.91 Thompson (stretched)- .94 Total = 36.1 million *GS also has the rights to Looney for a little over a million, but he can easily be waived. Cap Holds: Durant- 34 Curry- 34 Iguodala- 11 Livingston- 6 Pachulia- 3 Total = 88 million Because they signed Durant to a 1+1 they will not have his Bird Rights and must be under the cap to re-sign him. They absolutely must get rid of Iguodala to re-sign Durant and they probably need to get rid of Pachulia too meaning waiving their Bird Rights to them and losing their cap holds. That should give them enough room to retain Durant, Curry, Green, and Thompson but after that they're filling in with minimum type deals.
you sure about that cap hold on curry, real? i thought holds were generally expressed as a percentage of previous salary (150-175% maybe?). if so, curry's hold could be much, much lower--i'm guessing less than half that figure. this allows them to keep some of those guys or add a sub-max player, but the general point still stands--it's going to have to be those guys. and using curry's bird rights to go way over the cap as i'm suggesting will put them firmly in lux tax land, limiting trade opportunities, etc. in other words, they can't get much more than they have now, and can probably expect less. so, their top 4 better be healthy at the right time. and with no backups, minutes management would mean no 70-win seasons.
Damn you're right. I had misinterpreted one of his other cap holds. If you had the max this last season, then your cap hold is the current max this season (a difference of 25 million to 34 million or something like that). In Curry's case he wasn't at the max so his is lower. Incidentally Iggy's and Livingston's cap holds are higher than I anticipated. I'll redo that section: Guaranteed salary: 36.1 million *assuming they let go of Looney Cap Holds: Durant- 34 million Curry- 18.1 million Iguodala- 16.7 million Livingston- 11 million Others- 4.4 millon Total= 84.2 million So it ends up being close to what I'd said even if my numbers were off. Still from what I'm seeing they'll have to get rid of Livingston AND Iguodala (or both of them will have to sign for significantly less than their cap holds) in order to clear enough room to sign Durant. Durant- 34 Curry- 26.4 Thompson- 17.8 Draymond- 16.4 McCaw- 0.9 Cap Holds after waiving the rights to Livingston/Iguodala/The Rest- 4.4 The Rest of the Cap Space- 2.1 Am I reading that correctly?
technically, there's no cap hold for durant, though you might as well include it, because they need the space to offer max: Durant- 34 Curry- 18.1 Thompson- 17.8 Draymond- 16.4 McCaw- 0.9 that's about 87. you could retain the bird rights to livingston and iggy and just operate over the cap, using the MLE to add another player, then vet mins. you'd be in lux tax land for sure, though. and in perpetuity. the other option would be renouncing iggy and livingston and trying to sign them for less than their holds, or simply letting them walk and using the 15 million elsewhere. seems like just retaining their bird rights and operating over the cap is the way to go. thus, you have the core of durant/curry/thompson/green/iggy/livingston, and the MLE to add a center. all else is vet min or BAE, which might as well be a vet min. it's not going to be easy to add talent, so they better hope that their overwhelming talent at 4 spots is enough.
Is the roid rager getting ready to turn green permanently? http://nba.nbcsports.com/2016/07/14...e-soon/?ocid=Yahoo&partner=ya5nbcs&yptr=yahoo link doesn't seem to work for me when I check it so here is the article.... Getty Images Rumor: C Bags target Blake Griffin in three-team deal; want to make big move soon 29 Comments By Kurt HelinJul 14, 2016, 12:24 PM EDT The C Bags are one of the big winners of free agency — by adding Al Horford to a 48-win roster they became arguably the second best team in the East. But they are still a step or two behind the Cleveland Cavaliers, and GM Danny Ainge is going to be aggressive in trying to land another star. Not overpaying in deals, mind you, but aggressive. Like going hard at Blake Griffin. That’s the guy the C Bags have in their sights, reports Sean Deveney of the Sporting News. The likely target for the C Bags, according to front-office sources, is Clippers forward Blake Griffin. The Clippers have been weighing trading Griffin all season , and the possibility of a three-team package involving Sacramento sending Rudy Gay to the Clippers has emerged. The C Bags would give up some number of their upcoming draft picks, but opposing front-office members say they don’t want to give up either Brooklyn pick Boston can own in the next two years. The Clippers have 31-year-old point guard Chris Paul on hand, and league sources have said that if the Clippers move Griffin — a move that Clippers coach and front-office head Doc Rivers is reluctant to make — they will want a deal that involves draft picks and a frontline star who can keep them in Western Conference contention. While a lot of details need to be filled in, this deal certainly makes sense for Boston, especially if they can keep the Brooklyn pick — other GMs will demand that in a major deal. Rudy Gay has requested a trade from Sacramento and the Kings are trying to accommodate him, according to the league buzz in Las Vegas (where nearly everyone from the NBA has gathered for Summer League). But I can’t see the Clippers pulling the trigger on this (at least as currently reported). The Clippers are the second or third best team in the West (depending on what you think of the Spurs) and in win-now mode. They have Paul, who can be a free agent next summer — any move the Clippers make needs to get them closer to a ring and make CP3 want to stay. Swapping Griffin for Gay does neither. Also, Clippers’ owner Steve Ballmer understands he is competing with the still-more-popular Lakers in a star-driven market, if the Clips move Griffin they need an A-list star back. Gay is still a good player, but he’s not that. Still, expect a lot of C Bags rumors (particularly around Russell Westbrook, although that has complications as he will be a free agent next summer, too) and a lot of Griffin trade rumors. Just not sure this one pencils out.
you can't operate over the cap to keep Durant though because you don't have his Bird Rights. You have to get under the cap the amount of his max contract or he needs to sign for less than the max. Unless you can convince Iguodala and Livingston to sign for far, far below market value then their cap holds still stick. I'm pretty sure in order to keep Durant they're going to have to let go of at least one, if not both, of Iguodala and Livingston. I'll wait for a better capologist though for confirmation.
Like I said before: this trade makes sense basically only for Boston. It makes zero sense for the Clippers and zero sense for the Kings ESPECIALLY if the Brooklyn picks stay in Boston. There's no way this makes any damn sense for anybody but Ainge.
right, real, i forgot that one-year players don't get cap holds. thus, even more difficult for gs to do much outside the big 4. gosh, feels weird to call it a big 4--though i suppose draymond really isn't a star in his own right. it's a big three with the league's best glue guy attached. anyway, love the boston reports. ainge is aggressively offering a huge sack of s*** for all star players. yeah, pretty sure everybody's doing that. if i'm negotiating with him, i start with both bkn picks. BOTH. then i walk it back from there. clown thinks he's going to take a major piece from a team in contention for avery bradley and stuff...like how the clippers move griffin for gay, as if this is even a conversation starter. to helin's credit, he seemed to be acknowledging the ridiculousness of the story, but if the lakers were the team trading for blake griffin without giving up say, russell, ingram, randle, or clarkson, the national press would have posted like ten "lol lakers delusional" articles.
100%. I took this to my Boston friend and he just rolled his eyes. He says this is the kind of thing Ainge tries every season, he sells it like he's got an inside track on some trade where he pulls the wool over everyone's heads, and then he pulls out saying they were asking too much. He does it every season and tries to spin it so he's a great GM.
Phoenix fans think their young crew is more talented than ours. Sounds like 8/5 so far. Phoenix Suns Dragan Bender is the "most impressive rookie" in Vegas Summer League
Thanks. Kid is definitely talented. But you know what when they lean him (as realdeal says) and strengthen him and make him faster and more explosive I am really happier with taking Zubac at 32 than getting Bender there. To me that says a lot. His "touch" with his hands so far seems to be up on a plane with Bender's and he's going to be able to score the ball. All the time while being it appears to be a dominant force on defense with his greater mass. I'm seriously starting to think of Zubac in terms of down the road maybe a little better ceiling possibly than Marc Gasol but with going up the skills ramp toward Pau maybe a little further than Marc was able to do. School Zubac. Find some new Big Man Camp equivalent for him that's not Kareem. I really feel it should be someone younger at this point. Kobe would be ideal on semi regular at whatever interval basis, to teach Zu footwork and big man moves. Zu would be out of his gourd happy with getting instruction from his idol.
hmm, looks a little faster there than in euro highlights. but...no, phx fans. booker's a bit ahead of russell right now, but i'm not sure that holds over time. otherwise, i'm taking the lakers' guys. also, everyone leaves phx.