I'm one of them, considering we gave a stiff who barely played last year and has a bum knee 64 million.
Is now geting under 5-6 mil consider as the minimum... Couse i got feeling this summer everyone is getting payed,even old and injured that barely played.
Holy Jesus Christ man... Those numbers... Theres just no way Conley is worth more than Kobe.... Looking at our signings so far, I can say I ain't mad lol.
You have to approach them like a percentage of the cap instead of just the numbers. Most of the contracts seem a little more reasonable that way, but there's still been a lot of bad ones.
Do you think there is any player that will get signed for less than 6mil? I dont even know where moore played last year and he got freaking 9 per year... With these contracts i can only say that only underpayed players will be real allstars and superstars...couse if conley gets 30 than durant deserves 40-50 per year.
houston going full dantoni with big deals to ryan anderson and eric gordon. assuming they retain motiejunas, they're going to score a ton of points. and finish 8th or 9th.
If Kevin Durant goes to Boston when he could have been a Laker, I'll never like him again. I don't want Boston winning anything. I wonder how we missed out on landing Kevin Durant?