Apparently he was trying to get into his kid's mother's room, but got the rooms mixed up. He forced his way in and was shot by the occupants. Very sad...
Its tragic, but the dude had everything going for him, and blew it when he allowed his issues to get the best of him. Sad, but his fault. If he had a steady head, he'd still be alive.
What issues? There's been no confirmation thus far of substances in his body as far as I know. He wasn't going there to attack his girlfriend.
This would be the worst case to argue gun control for. This scenario (from the gunman's perspective) is the reason I have guns. According to the gunman he even called out and announced he has a weapon to fire.
He allowed personal issues to get the best of him. A normal person doesn't go home to his GF and forcibly kick in the door to have a nice conversation. Something was going to happen. Its a shame too cause apparently the shooter warned him he had a gun but Jones continued into the residence. I'm sure we'll get a better picture of what was going on. At face value, it seems like Domestic Violence was somehow involved in this incident, and Jones just happened to be taking out his anger in the wrong room. Tragic tho, I hate to see people die over stupid things. May he rest in peace, and wishing the best for the family.
I think that's taking a leap based on conjecture and assumptions that we (at least I) I don't know about this guy. I don't know enough about him to assume he's going there to beat his girlfriend.