Yeah it's not an insult towards Kobe and doesn't need to be defended. Kobe's numbers do look less impressive by comparison. Of course if Kobe was on a team as relatively good as the Warriors in his prime what would his numbers have been?
God he gets on my nerves lol. I sit here nervous every day fearful he'll break that 3 point record or inch closer to Kobe's 81. If the Warriors sucked he probably would've did that and then some. It's so annoying how clean a lot of those long deep threes he takes are. When they swish through the net, the net barely moves sometimes, it's so annoying. I'm just being a hater. It's funny seeing LeBron's fan club freak out about Steph Curry though, and even funnier seeing them lose their lids over LeBron giving him compliments on his Twitter, they're so bitter.
Curry is straight up a video game cheat code. As soon as he steps over half court you have to guard him. And what's scary is he's still only 27. That means he at worst has a good 5 more years at this level if he remains injury free.
True. But then again, if Curry had a worst team, like Kobe's, he wouldn't be as open as he is now. I know the shots he creates are ridiculous but their system and the fact that he is surrounded with such great play makers and shooters makes it very difficult to hard double team him. Curry can be stopped if you hard double him but that's just suicide with the GS team. I'm not sure if you can stop a prime Kobe on fire with a hard double. He'd still score. Regarding the 3 pt record in one game, he SHOULD break Kobe's record. As a great as a shooter as he is, so I don't mind when he does it.
Yeah, when literally anyone on your team can score from anywhere, it makes your job as primary ball handler a bit easier. It also makes scoring a bit easier, as they simply cannot double you. Great coaching also leads to wide open looks, so let's not discard any of that. Steph curry isn't doing this in a vacuum.
Phil tweeted that Chris Jackson (Mahmoud Abdur Rauf (spelling)) was Curry before Curry. Phil is still on that sticky icky. Mahmoud isn't in my top 10. Probably not top 20 either. Great pure shooter with crazy range, but no. Just no.
he is a really interesting and intelligent dude. I'd like to sit down with him and find out what makes him tic.
Yeah. I thought by putting pedestrian in quotes, it would have been obvious I was being factious and not actually implying they were bad. Sort of like if I said, Kobe "only" won 5 rings.
What I don't like is how people have to put down Kobe to praise other athletes. Like I saw a comment saying Curry is better than Kobe ever was and I'm like....? Dude just a few seasons ago Kobe was leading the league in scoring over a bunch of 20 year olds. There's no doubt in my mind, even if he won't say it that if he was close to 75% he'd be out there challenging the warriors and Stephen Curry. But it's clear his body is worn down and banged up. That shoulder injury and that achilles did him in. But Kobe was making tough shots, and super contested shots on a constant basis during his best seasons. And those teams he did it against were beasts. I just wish people would watch old videos of Kobe and realize what he did would rival what Steph is doing now. In 2010 that playoff stretch against the Suns was unbelievably skilled basketball at it's peak. And the Suns were a deadly team. In 2005 that was skilled shooting and scoring at it's best. It's so annoying people have to put down Kobe and diminish what he done for the game to praise other athletes.
This is definitely one of the best offensive seasons ever. Curry is doing things I never thought was possible at unbelievable efficiency. It's a joy to watch.
You could argue that he'd score even more if he didn't have talent around him, as he would have to score even more for the team to be competitive, and he'd be playing more minutes.
I just don't get worked about that stuff anymore. There's always going to be people who get wrapped up in the moment and think what they're seeing now is the greatest thing they've ever seen. Kobe is being more widely celebrated now than I ever thought he'd be. When he's done and retired he'll start to take on some of the same mystique that Jordan did. Kobe lasting so long in the league has actually hurt his image and the perception of his talents. Most people can't remember his insane scoring outbursts because they're 8,10, or 12 years old already.
longevity is part of all-time greatness, imo. if curry keeps this up for another six or seven years, he'll rightfully ascend the ladder, perhaps past kobe. but that's a pretty tall order.
I'll be honest, I didn't get it, went over my head. Was the joke hidden in the odd spacing? Or is it just a weed joke and I'm overthinking?
Ohhhhh. I thought you were talking about sitting down with Phil Jackson. Right over my head. Alright you get your 'like' for that one.