Perhaps but I don't see it. His offensive game is not complete enough to do what Kobe did. Kobe can literally score in every way possible. Curry is the goat shooter but he;s small, and not as athletic as Kobe. Kobe could you post you up, dunk on you with the best of them, and when he got hot, its over.
Twitter was funny tonight. Poor Oscar Robertson, lol, one little radio comment and now Steph is on a tear and he's being called out all over. Just a couple Also this, he did, watch the replay, hahaha he knew it was going in, and he wasn't even following the path of the ball all the way through the hoop
This, this so much. It was a good shot, who the hell calls a 38 shot a good shot. A friend of mine called it a lucky shot. NO! He practices these kind of shots from that far away. Unreal.
If you play up on him, he's probably going to blow by you for a closer shot, maybe get fouled, or draw a 2nd defender to him leaving someone else open. And he's gonna find that someone, and if it's Klay, or Green, or any of the many other great shooters on this team, they're gonna get an open shot. He's a smart and crafty PG on top of an unstoppable scorer.
It's his elite ball handling that makes him the GoAT shooter. It allows him to create space to get his shot off. Twitter is going off:
To me in that situation you have to rely on your help if Curry gets by you, but you can't just allow the greatest shooter of all time to just step into a three like that. Force him to give it up and live with the results, but it's happened time and time again where Curry has single handily beat a team.
He is without question. I was yelling "OMG" to the top of my longs when he hit that game winning shot from 35+ feet. Simple unreal. One of the best regular season games I've watched in a very long time and we get to do it again this Thursday on TNT
Oh and he Broke Twitter tonight. The game was awesome no doubt, but following it every step of the way on twitter was also super entertaining.
It's annoying when older generations "hate" on the younger generations. You absolutely cannot undervalue what Curry is doing right now by saying that the defenses are soft. These are all 12 of his 3pters today. Most of them were not easy. None of them would have been able to do this even if they were wide open.
I don't understand how he is able to shoot like this off the dribble , that far with little effort ... doesn't even seem to look at the basket... WTF One of the best regular season games in recent years . I hope this matchup will be the WCF matchup . PS : 72-10 is definitely going to be broken now
Chamberlain once said that Robertson's defense "stunk up the place" so his criticism of Curry is not valid.
I agree he wont hit 81, but not because of his game not being as well rounded. He doesn't need a well rounded game to get to 81. He just needs to be hot and have the time to do it. When Kobe got 81, we needed all 81 because our team was sooooo bad and we were getting beat. Steph has a team that could finish top 5-6 in the West without him. If he was on pace to drop 81, he'd be out midway through the third quarter because his team would be up by 30. I am actually starting to believe Curry made a deal with the devil for his soul at the crossroads. What he is doing right now should be impossible. I don't think it's hyperbole to say this is the greatest season any player has ever had in the modern NBA. (1970s and on). I remember Kobe's 35 ppg season and this is more impressive. He's averaging 30 ppg in 33 minutes per game on 51%/46%/90%. Kobe needed 41 minutes to get to him 35 and shot a very "pedestrian" 45%/35%/85%. If Curry's team wasn't so damn good. He would have likely hit 81 at some point this season and he'd probably be averaging 40 a game.
Pedestrian? Lol please. This is my problem. I love what Steph is doing, but when people try to diminish what guys like Kobe did. Kobe was unreal in his prime. His dominance went beyond numbers. His ability to single handily take over games, will his team to victory, but also something Steph can't do that Kobe could is play lockdown defense. When Kobe wanted to be he could be the best defender in the league. Steph can't do that. He's an average defender at best and that's why he can never match up against that elite point guards. Look at how stacked Golden State's team is and that system. Yes he's hitting great shots, but he is also is getting a lot of layups off cuts and open rhythm jump shots. No way would he being doing this if he played with a bunch of scrubs like Kobe did. He has the best two guard in the game along with one of the better all around players along with a great bench. If prime Kobe was on this team I don't think there would be any doubt they'd get the record.
That's why he said "pedestrian". Those are great numbers actually. But compared to 51/46/90, everything looks kinda... low.