Sure, but players also have to show willingness to play in a system. All the talk over the summer was that bringing Donavan in would bring a more fluid OKC offense. You can blame the coach, but you can also blame the players for not playing team basketball.
I hate how teams play defense on Lebron. Why are you over committing on him giving him a driving lane. Let him shoot. That's how you beat Lebron led teams. Let him shoot and don't let him pass to 3 point shooters.
LeBron needs to just embrace the balding, his hair up front looks ridiculous. Shave it clean. Even Kobe appears to be balding on the back of his head now, it happens, go with it. LeBron looks like he got a hair transplant in front or something.
With how he's reffed, I'm not sure it matters. If you give him room, he will get a head of steam and barrel into the paint and get calls. You can try and make him shoot, but it's hard to do with today's rules. I guess you're right that it has to be a team effort to prevent him driving in, and it probably still is a better option than over committing though.
He got away with it in the 1st quarter but not in the 4th ... Had to put Westbrook or Durant on the floor with the subs. Took him way too long to figure how to defend a Dellavedova- TT PNR ( ) out too
Give him the J as the Spurs did it in 2013 or defend him one on one as GS did it last season . That being said OKC has no defender to throw at him while GS had 4 . If you help , it has to come from TT or Mozgov man , no threes ...
Granted, I didn't watch the game and just watch highlights. However, does OKC still not run any offense other than KD-ball or Westbrook-ball? All I see from those highlights on the OKC side are KD and Westbrook isos. Meanwhile, the Cavs side you can see Lebron and Delly moving the ball getting others involved. It's like Scott Brooks is still coaching this team. They might as well not have replaced him. Wasn't Donovan put in to install some semblance of team offense?
i didn't understand the Donovan choice. his system in college did not look like it would translate and, like most big-school coaches, was predicated on having better talent at almost every position, every night. a lot of okc's personnel decisions have been head scratchers, too, which has led them to the odd mix of players right now. trading harden, then letting martin walk. letting thabo walk. then letting lamb walk just before he became useful (all of those guys are better than waiters and Roberson). trading Jackson for kanter. that's how you end up with Durant/westbrook and a bunch of one-trick ponies. drafting steven adams is maybe the only smart thing they've done in the past, what, five years?
Keeping Perkins instead of amnestying him... Seriously though Dion Waiters is bad at basketball. Remember when the Cavs took him at #4 in the 2012 draft? He was taken before Harrison Barnes, Damien Lillard, and Andre Drummond. For real.
OKC is not designed to win the championship, their best shot was when they had Harden as well. Westbrook and KD are good enough to carry them to the playoffs but they will lose quickly when teams focus their defense. They still run the same iso WB or KD offense with really no one else being a legitimate offensive threat. Ibaka and Kanter are probably their next best players and they are rather one dimensional. They have had decent players that could help carry them offensively but of course they just let them walk. Kevin Martin, Reggie Jackson, Thabo replaced by Dion Waters and a bunch of scrubs.
These guys just don't want to stop playing. But anyone who has these players for fantasy must be loving it. I have both Drummond and Pau
I feel bad for Jimmy G buckets , his team is full of injury prone/overrated players ... while he improved a lot and going hard at it every game At least Bulls salary cap situation will be great in two seasons ...
well, in fairness, they lost that finals because harden crapped the bed (imo). and he's kind of continued that in big moments since then. I was ok with them trading harden (though I would have moved ibaka instead and said so at the time), it was basically letting all of those return pieces go for nothing that was the real head-scratcher.