Another video is out showing a second fight that happened after that first one we've already seen.
Jesus. I could not be more glad for the kid we have now. All that talent, but this kid looks like an absolute idiot. Far be it from me to sympathize with a drunk ***hat from Boston (maybe the worst people in the world), but obviously you don't attack them in the streets just because they're being ***hats. Wow. How does the NBA not take action in this? The kid needs to be suspended.
He didn't look all that impressive either. He made a few nice moves offensively, but god was he nonexistent on the defensive end.
I was not happy the Lakers passing up on him...backed up Russell as he donned the uni. Would like A1 on my crow.
He really didn't. Obviously he was a 1 and done college player and is young and has tons of time to improve, but I'm not more impressed with him than Russ so far. He's putting up fine stats, but you'd think at his size on a team that bad he could average a couple more points and boards. He looks as lumbering and slow as advertised, and I saw very little fire in him on either end until the very end of the game. Before then most of the time he wanted no part of Hibbert.
I find this all surprising. A Duke player under Coach K behaving badly? He seemed like a well grounded young man from the interviews I have watched. I can only say it is likely that losing atmosphere in Philly is contributing to his frustration...not that the Laker situation is any different. Kenny Smith talked of how there are no veterans to mentor anyone there. Okafor would have had 24 as an example and leader...our incompetent coach notwithstanding.
Likewise. Very out of the ordinary behavior from one of Coach K's kids. It's not like he was a troubled kid before getting to the pros. With social media today, it's impossible to keep that stuff quiet. He's been under the watchful eye of people for several years now and nothing until getting to Philly. Stephen A and others said they've spent time with his family before and all this was very out of character and not how he was brought up. Just one thing after another with Jah. Really disappoint that he's letting losing and a roster with no adult supervision or guidance lead to him Breaking Bad so to speak. Hopefully bringing in Jerry will begin to rectify some of the atrocities Philly has been getting away with for far too long. They're auditioning vets and in 2-3 weeks, they should have some adults in the locker room, on the bench, in the plane, on the bus, and in the hotels to keep these kids accountable. For his sake, hopefully this is the last we hear about him off the court for quite awhile.