I wanted Thomas as well. But, I think Lin is a lot better than what we have seen so far. Scott's coaching decisions on offense seem to be frustrating everyone at this point.
I thought Lin was okay against Houston. He drew fouls (6 FTA's) and dished out 6 assists. He was too passive against Phoenix. Not attacking the way he's capable of doing. Unfortunately, okay and passive performances aren't going to cut it for this team. He needs to bring his A+ game every night for us to have a chance to win.
This. I know he doesn't want to be Linsanity, but guess what kid? Too bad. You need that. We need that. We need the Jeremy Lin that can get to the basket at will and will step into a big shot with no problem. We need a competent and confident Jeremy Lin, not the timid kid we saw last night.
Unleash Linsanity, Jeremy! Without it we don't have a chance. Act as if you are the best player of the team. Attack attack attack.
He had no problem doing his thing with Harden and Howard demanding the rock every play. What's the worst thing that could happen, Kobe yells at you? Newsflash you are going to get an ear full either way, might as well get a high five for making a play in the process.
Lin must attack and draw fouls. That is what this team needs now unless they run set plays, which they don't really seem to be doing. They don't seem organized *Byron* at all so if I were Lin, I would just try to draw as many fouls as possible and if there is an open man, pass. Now that might change when he's sharing the floor with Kobe but if he mans up and starts becoming a threat worthy of double teaming, that would take some pressure off Kobe to not have to do utterly everything on the offensive end. Actually, the whole team can act like they have a pair and that would solve everything.
Yep. Lin said he learned a lot playing off the ball in Houston. Except, his stats plummeted with Harden and soared without him. Lin needs to know that he has to be aggressive all the time - whether or not there's another ballhandler on the floor. Unfortunately, I can see him still struggling a bit finishing around the rim with this team. There's little off-ball movement. There's absolutely no spacing. There's no identity. When Lin was in Houston/NY, he at least had shooters and finishers.
Jeremy Lin looks scared or intimidated out there. There's no reason for that, he's already proven himself as an NBA caliber point guard. Just go out there and play. I know it's easier said than done but he's much better than he's shown us the last 2 games.
Quite frankly, and to be fair to both Kobe & Lin, they haven't played a lot together, obviously. They didn't spend a lot of time during the preseason, and Byron planned on Lin coming off the bench leading the 2nd unit where Lin had more freedom offensively and could thrive in a fast paced oriented offense. Their going to take time too gel. Unfortunately, we play the Clippers and GS; it's going to get much worse before he it gets better...
Definitely need more spacing out there for Lin. Kobe, Boozer, Hill are all camping in the paint, it's crowded. Wes isn't even there, so it's 4 on 5.
There was also Davis and Hill out there for spurts against Phoenix if I remember correctly. That's I advocated putting a shooter at the 2 and Kobe at the 3. Ellington was shooting well the other day; Lin, Ellington, Kobe, maybe Boozer at the 4 and Davis at the 5. You could even insert Kelly when he gets back at the 4. All for spacing. That would help both Lin and Kobe.
Lin needs to be more aggressive and take it to the basket more. But there's a problem with that. We have no outside threat so the defense sinks in and Lin is forced to make a risky pass or shoot it over 2 or 3 defenders.
Lin Ellington Kobe Boozer Davis I don't want to even think of what a bench of Price/Clarkson/Henry/Kelly/Hill would try to do offensively.
Actually, Kelly needs to get more time than Boozer. Boozer is straight up garbage. A waste of 3 million dollars. Seriously, I mean that. Kelly is younger, taller, better shooter from long range, makes the correct reads on offense, and can play off-ball effectively. Defensively, not great, but Boozer isn't any better.
Lin needs to run with the 2nd unit. It's nothing to do with his ability, it's just he has more freedom with the 2nd unit offensivley.
Lin has been underwhelming on offense, and just plain terrible on defense. On offense he has no where to go with Boozer and Hill in cement shoes clogging the paint, not requiring any thought of a double team. Then if he does get it to them for an open look they typically miss. His spot up shooters are Johnson, clank, and Bryant being hounded by the other teams best defender with help on the way. He hasn't shown a decent shot even with teams backing off giving it to him. On D, Scott's pressure perimeter game plan just puts him a position to get beat off the dribble all night long and that's what we're seeing. Price is more suited to the defensive game plan but is even worse on offense. If I remember correctly Linsanity occurred with D'antoni and his helter skelter offense, with great shooters all over for Lin to dish to.
Definitely. He defers to Kobe too much for my liking and his game would be much more effective with the bench unit.
The height of Linsanity was probably this game. http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/201202100NYK.html