Agree with your post. But damn what is up with the ampersand and spacing every time you go there? Makes it harder to read than it should be. Mix in the spaces.....
Look for Lin to bust out this year. First year as a Laker, now starting when he thought he'd be coming off the bench, he knows the team wants and needs the ball in his hands, he's got a lot to prove. I agree, he's healthy he's likely to be in the all star discussion. I was less confident before I saw him starting to look for and find Davis for lobs and easy buckets, collapse the defense and take it to the hole basically at will. Guy is smart, works hard and wants to improve and will get a lot of respect from others on this team.
I completely agree. Lin is in a for a big year if he embraces it. I think he has a chance to EARN an All-Star spot. But he will almost certainly GET an All-Star spot on popularity alone.
Lol, im sorry! Ive been writing these replies as if im texting huh? Dont worry though, im getting my happy butt back in school so to be honest being on these forums is helping me get back in the rhythm to touch up my skills which still need work and improvement haha. Back to Lin, dont fall asleep on him... You might find yourself a rude awakening. Going to be a good matchup and test against Beverly since they used to go at it in practice on a consistent basis except, Berverly im sure is the same player while Lin has improved and refined his skills from the short preseason sample we got in pre. Gonna be a fun one boys!
Hes going to be motivated like a mothertrucker and set the tempo for the rest of the year. Volvo is going to put him in a new yellow one now after tomorrow.
2 sundays ago i accurately predicted a Rams punt return TD against the Seahawks. this is my first prediction since then. i'm hoping to start a trend.
Lin gets a D for the season opener. Very disappointed in his first showing as a Laker. Needed to be much more aggressive. Played out of control and tentative as well.
^Yup...besides a decent spurt in the 3rd quarter, and was awful besides that. Need a better effort going forward from LIn....
Very disappointing play from Lin tonight. I wasn't expecting allstar numbers or Linsanity, but at least give us some solid minutes at point. I liked what I saw of him in the preseason so maybe it's just first game jitters; however, I do think he is better suited coming off the bench. Looks like Byron wasn't so crazy after all for talking about starting Price and having Lin come of the bench.
I think the nerves and emotion seemed to get to him during the first half. But I like what he did in the third quarter. He got himself more under control and we cut down the lead significantly. Later things just spiraled out too far for any one player on our squad to do much about it.
I thought he was good not great. He wasn't put in many situations to be successful. He had 2-3 drives to the rim that could have easily been called fouls but instead were non-calls and he was given a turnover or a missed shot. My eye test says he wasn't aggressive enough early and he looked a little timid out there. He needs to spend most of his time with Davis and the bench. Price can't run the 2nd unit, Lin needs to. Let Price bull dog with the starters. He'll be mostly useless, but it's better to have him there instead of Lin so that Lin can save our bench production. Especially now with Julius out.
It has less to do with Kobe/Lin or with Lin not being good enough to start than it does with when we benched Lamar Odom. We need a guy who can keep the offense moving when Kobe is out. If/when Young comes back maybe that changes the dynamic, but until then Lin is best suited to run the bench.
I'm with benching Lin, the 2nd unit needs someone to create but then that leaves essentially the entire offense on Kobe's shoulder. Defenses are gonna hound the hell out of him since there's not really another big threat in the starting line up.
1st game jitters? or is he what the Rockets say he was....a TO machine that plays no D. Time will tell but he was just plain horrible last night, and it doesn't help that their are no serious offensive threats other than Bryant for him to feed, or that command a double, plus on defense no way to hide him with no other good defenders in the line up.
I'm against benching Lin. I'd like to see Davis join the starters and Hill move to the bench. That gives us both more offense (Lin is better with Davis than Hill for pick and roll and dive cuts), and more defense as Davis is just better at the 5 than Hill on that end. Let's start with our best players at each position instead of saving them for the bench. I don't want to be down 10 every night at the end of the first. It's just tough to come from behind all the time.