If Davis emerges as a SOLID C, Hill stays healthy, you think Mitch is open to packaging him up say w/another player+DPE(If we hold it open which I hope until a team gets semi desperate to unload someone)?
Package him for who? Mitch is always open to improving the team through trades. The problem is that we are already very light on bigs. If you send out Hill then you have a Center rotation of Davis + Sacre + nobody.
You can't package the DPE with another player in a trade. If Davis pans out, we'll keep him under wraps as a backup center, so his value doesn't go too high. That way, 2015 rolls around and if he have interest from Marc Gasol, we can just relinquish the team option on Hill's contract, sign Gasol, and keep Davis. A frontline of Gasol and Davis would be defensively amazing.
To both of yalls replies.. well there goes my dream of DPE&package of a player or two,also if needed a pick(s) for a LEGIT SF lol. I dunno for whom in specific but if Mitch would be actually open to it TIME. &Lakerfan2 I agree hed be great alongside Gasol,Id also love me some Lamarcus Aldridge
It's not completely out of the question, but the transactions have to be separate. Hill for said player. DPE for said player. But I think the Lakers covet the flexibility of Hill's contract over finding another player through trade.
Dont you think though if we can land a borderline all star SF you do it? Thats a tough one even for me. Another thing I thought about, since Davis looks solid, do you regret not having Stephenson instead of Hill at all?
No, because what if Davis never turned out the way we are seeing him? What if he was just another Wes Johnson? We know what Hill brings, and he brings it every game no questions asked, even when in MDA's dog house. Hill may not be an anchor, but he is a capable big body defensively, and that's hard to find in the NBA. We needed to secure a big and Hill was there. Not to mention, he signed a pretty cap friendly deal in terms of his second year being a team option. Stephenson couldn't wait for Indiana to decide, which we were in the same process of doing as well, so he just went with what was offered to him.
It all depends on where we're at and who is available. I'll trade Hill no problem, but only for the right damn piece. The guy we trade for needs to be a cornerstone piece and why would we be able to get one of those? We have a ton of money available over the next couple of seasons and the vast, vast majority of that money needs to go towards stars that will take this franchise to new levels. We aren't in the position where we can afford to hand big money to guys like Harrison Barnes because it'll limit the money we have for guys like Durant and Westbrook and Marc Gasol. There's really not that many guys that fit the description for what we're looking for or what we need, but we'll see what happens. It doesn't have to be a SF either. If we can find a PG that needs a new home that we believe we can build around (hello Rondo, maybe even Deron Williams), then that's another situation we'd have to look into.
Well to be fair, Hill+ isnt going to bring us a superstar. But need to find someone that CAN be part of our future,I agree with the PG part as well but other than Rondo I dont think anybody else is out there. I honestly dont know if I want Rondo just for the fact of you would have to lock him to a big extension and simply feel hes the type of piece you already to a near championship caliber team. For example, would you do Hill+Lin+Kelly+1st+2nd for Rondo?
I probably would, but that's just me. I think Rondo is an absolute stud. You don't lead the NBA in triple-doubles for no reason. If/when he comes back from his wrist injury he'll be in his prime. Sure he can't shoot, but he's a top 5 PG defender and a top 5 distributor. You don't find them growing on trees. Even so, the C Bags are rebuilding. I'd hit them with an offer of Nash's expiring, Hill, Clarkson, and a combination of picks. Hold on to Lin if you can. Again, this wouldn't happen until closer to the deadline anyway and any trade between LA and Boston is immediately unlikely. They'd also hold firm in a demand for Julius I'm sure of it and we'd have to say no.
Yeah I hear where youre coming from with Rondo... id most likely have to be a 3 team trade. But another thing I was thinking about I think as long as you have one star, Spurs&Mavericks type rosters win championships as well so we dont have to go the new trend of a few superstars all together. As weve seen that can expose the depth and other pieces around the stars. Just have to be smart in your investments and IMO its all about value.
That's a great point. I think under the new CBA there's definitely an emphasis on value players. I think over the history of the NBA stars have traditionally won most of the time. Duncan, Ginobili, and Parker. Shaq and Kobe. LeBron, Wade, and Bosh. Garnett, Pierce, and Allen. Magic, Kareem, and Worthy. Bird, McHale, and Parish. etc. etc. If we can add a real star like Rondo while retaining value players like Randle, Davis, and Young I think we're on the right track.
I definitely see your point and agree with it as well. We just got to stay patient, getting great bang for the bucks like Davis who I hope is ready to get get physical with Howard. Another great test to see what we have in him.
For sure. One of the scenarios that a lot of us are picking up is a world where we're able to keep Lin and Davis for relatively cheap and then still have room to spend big for another "real" star that can carry the franchise. I don't know who exactly, but somebody. As for this game... phew this'll be a huge test for Davis. If he has to go up against Howard for extended periods, I hope he can hold his own. Howard has a lot more in his back pocket than Davis does. It should be an interesting match-up to say the least.
Thatll be hard to do IMO. Due to mainly , scenario A) If they have great first half of the seasons and youre Mitch, you try your hardest to extend them on cap friendly deals? Scenario B)If youre the players why do you take those deals when you can possibly tear it up all year and get max money? I just hope Mitch does whats best for the team and isnt afraid to make a good extension, like the two you mentioned and going with a scenario A which I listed, because he wants every last dollar available during free agency. As for Davis,along with Hill AND the rest of the team.. I just want to see 110% effort,intensity,passion all game and season long. Nothing better or bad to feel about if those things are there because you know progress will be made one way or another.
There's no way that Davis gets max money, even if he starts and averages 12/12/2 it won't happen. The best Davis can do is probably end up with a similar contract to what Hill just got from us last season. There's just not enough exposure in one season to get a massive deal. What the Lakers could do is offer Lin and Davis long-term contracts, something like 4/20- 4/24. Nick Young type of deals. If Nick Young, who had an excellent year last year, can be had for basically that, then Davis/Lin probably could too. Anyway, Davis has a huge opportunity now. I loved his first game. He fouled out, but he didn't waste a single foul unlike every other Laker. Every foul Davis took was to prevent an easy basket and that's great defense. Now with Julius out, Davis gets more minutes than he was expecting. Here's where he can earn us some more wins and a new contract.
With Julius out for the season most likely, I've turned around my perspective on Davis starting. Hill is better suited at the 4 than he is at 5 and we could desperately use Davis' defense and hustle with the starters. If Lin is going to start and I differ with you there realdeal, in that I think he should, then Davis should start as well. I just don't think Ronnie Price has the tools to do much with the starters. If it were me, I'd shake this thing up and start Davis now. Go with your best players so that you don't start every game off with a deficit on the scoreboard. If you save Lin and Davis for the bench then we will have to play catch up every single night. Davis and Lin on the floor with Kobe and Booz represents the best option for offense. Lin and Davis can run pick and roll, and Lin's drive open things up for Booz and Davis. Ronnie Price gives us nothing on the offensive end. Hill can play 4 with the bench squad alongside Sacre at the 5. When Swaggy P returns Hill will be grabbing those boards. Sacre is good enough to play bench 5.
I'm also in the camp of Ed Davis should start. We have to have our most talented players starting to prevent us from being run off the court the first 6 minutes.