God damn, poor guy. We need to raise awareness about these poor NBA players that don't even earn $10M annually (without even counting whatever they can get beside their contracts). See this poor guy? He might even be unable to play Crash the Ferraris or Pimp my Mansion. Damn, tears won't stop flowing, but he's brave, he says he will manage... Damn, I have some newfound respect for Josh Smith. PS: Is this kind of comments an immediate secondary effect from signing with the Clippers?
He could ask his buddy DeAndre for a loan when times are tough. Oh wait, DeAndre rescinded his offer and instead went to go play xbox and won't return his calls.
He could always kidnap DeAndre and ask for a ransom. Seems to be pretty easy to do, and he might even get some free dinner out of it.
Well, Kelly does have a point. You plan your budget. You now make half of what you used to. You have to adjust. Now, for most of us it would be skipping on a second car or family vacation. For Smith, I don't know? Paging TMZ, paging TMZ... Dammit. Why can't this people just live normal life? Why the mansions and 15 cars?
Life must be tough, even if he gets taxed 50% he would still be getting 3.45million dollars for a years work. So he could buy a 2million mansion and still ONLY have 1.45 million to feed his family, hard times!
Maybe he could pan handle outside of the Bill Gates mansion, and Bill could throw him a couple of million. This really incenses me. The Latrell Sprewell School of Finance for people who can't count so good strikes again. Maybe his portfolio of lottery tickets and hedge fund in scratch tickets didn't reap lucrative dividends. I hope he falls off his platinum toilet and dislocates his sense of entitlement. I guess he wont be on cribs anytime soon. :MitchReally::SmushFail:
I just... You know some part of me understands that he lives a life above the means of us normal folk so less salary DOES affect his life. If he is making payments on homes and cars and all that it's going to be a change go make less salary. But am I supposed to feel sorry for this idiot? I'm supposed to feel sorry for the exorbitant contracts he's gotten over the years? Why don't you save and invest your money properly you moron? He's made enough in life time to retire tomorrow and his family would be fine, but I bet he pissed half of it away. It's really too bad there's no intelligence test for players going into the NBA. Maybe he just spoke without thinking, but that in itself is a problem. I bet a gazillion dollars he's broke less than 10 years after he retires. Estimated career earnings 97 million Josh, you will have no sympathy if you can't survive on a few million a year at 30 years old, and you have blown all your career money.
I know he has a big group of family and friends he provides for, but if he let's them suck him dry then that's on him. You've got to know when to say no to your entourage or employee someone to do it for you. He's made close to $100m so far, which he should be thanking the world for because that amount exceeds his talent. He's in LA...the biggest market he's been in and will ever play in. If his agent is worth anything then he'll be able to get a couple commercial/endorsement deals to line his empty pockets. Hell, get his new buddies CP3 or Griffin to throw him in their All State or KIA bits.
A team ate 27 million to get rid of him, and then won 9 of 10 games. They were better without their highest paid (Best) player. He'll have umpteen offers within the week I'm sure. :Smile:
I'm surprised that Houston did not retain Smith. He jumpstarted them in Game 5 and contributed highly for them in winning that series from there. About him not managing his finances...well in the rounds is how Antoine Walker is bankrupt. There is also the story of Rex Chapman reduced to stealing electronic to pawn off for money. Derrick Coleman is another one. You can't fully trust "finance managers" either... Abdul-Jabbar did, then ended up getting swindled.
so did Pippen. Now he's so delusional he thinks the All Time Bulls could compete with the All Time Lakers. Such a sad story.
Yes, he bought some plane for commercial purposes... Iverson is in the same place. In Smith's case, it will be interesting how he will handle himself with the Clippers. The salary downgrade...probably not playing much or playing but not enough to justify what he considers as pittance.