For those of you who don't want to watch the video, Barnes said, "Me and Serge would fight right now if we were here, I just don’t like him. He’s got that aura about him that he’s the toughest guy on the planet, he’s not." This was Ibaka's response: For people on Tapatalk, Ibaka's twitter response is: "@danawhite @ufc are you interested? LOL". Ibaka would destroy Barnes.
The one thing I appreciate about Barnes is he's not bluffing. He's not afraid of a physical challenge and he's confident in himself. That being said... if we're boxing, there's no chance Barnes wins right? Ibaka has a SIGNIFICANT size and reach advantage.
What the hell is wrong with Barnes? Does he have a publicist? The league is just looking for a reason to T/fine/suspend him again and he gives them one on a silver platter. When they play OKC, the refs are going to be on high alert and instructed to call it tight. Wouldn't surprise me if he at least fouled out of that game, if not more.
Barnes is a moron. His only claim to fame at this point is being an NBA "tough guy", as in as tough as you can be making millions to play basketball, and willing to act like you will fight out on the court when you are absolutely not permitted to fight and will be stopped the second you attempt to start. Yeah, super hard acting tough knowing refs, teammates, or the commissioner himself would probably jump in and separate a fight before it even starts. Barnes isn't MWP, he isn't even Doug Christie, he's a wannabe. I actually like Ibaka, I'd take him on the Lakers, he plays D and he's money on that 15 foot jumper.
Clippers - Grizzlies games will be interesting to watch. Barnes tangling with Griffin, Pierce and Stephenson?
in the video clip where he mixed it up with them, and Ibaka cocked his first, it disturbingly reminded me of when Shaq threw the girl punch/slap at Brad Miller. Ibaka might be tough, but doesn't always mean you can fight. Tough basketball player doesn't mean good fighter.
both of them are fake tough guys ibaka may be big but i have a feeling he'd get his a** kicked by most guys in the league while barnes is more talk than anything
I don't even think ibaka plays tough on the floor. neither guy is likable, though. go ahead and slap each other.
Both wankstas ( welcome back to 02 ) in my book ... I laughed hard when Ibaka acted like he was ready to fight Metta after Harden was knocked out ...
Barnes got into a lot of fights growing up in a tough Sacramento neighborhood standing up for himself and his siblings. He also is known to get into it with teammates. His father was a drug dealer who put him and the everyone around in bad spots. So yes, Barnes is not afraid of confrontation or taking care of himself. Over the years...there were only two players who are reputed not to be messed with. Buck Williams and Sprewell.
Yeah Barnes is a tough SOB. I don't know where people think he's a fake thug from. I don't think he's anything like a fake thug. A fake thug is Carmelo Anthony. Barnes is a tough dude. Also Kermit Washington.
I call Barnes is a fake thug (in the NBA) because when has he been in a fight? What has he done aside from shoving someone? He talks a lot of crap, he'll happily push someone and then stand there as teammates, coaches, the refs, and the commissioner jump in to break things up, but when has he thrown a punch. He pretended to throw a ball at Kobe's face, and never did jack beyond that. Ooh, you can pretend to scare guys, you're so crazy and frightening. I'd say Kobe is the absolute furthest thing from a thug in the NBA, and even he has been in 2 actual fights. He got his butt kicked, but he was in them. If Barnes is so tough and crazy he'd have been in a fight, but all he does is talk and make a tough face. Artest is tough, Artest was crazy, he was in fights. Doug Christie was a freakin weirdo who seemed like a fake tough guy, but he was in fights. Rick Fox is a prettyboy actor, and he was tough and would fight. Barnes at best, is an instigator and a guy who takes cheap shots. He'll give hard fouls because he's a punk. He'll shove a guy then get in his face with his hands at his sides and do nothing else. Barnes will push you and put his hands at his sides, Artest will push you and put his hands on your throat. Raefer Alston, McGrady, and Steve Nash in one situation started by Barnes looked more likely to throw punches and actually fight, Nash actually did have to be held back. Google Matt Barnes fight and you won't see one. Not in the NBA, not at UCLA where I saw his whole career, nowhere, unless you count some pro-am where nothing is caught on camera. Ok, fine, Barnes grew up in a terrible neighborhood, he had a tough life, it made him tough in real life, not disputing that. But he's not doing jack on the court to anyone other than take cheap shots, and his career is almost over. So he better get one of these fights on camera before that happens. Also, I don't care if he's crazy, or tough, unless he's got a weapon I wouldn't want to go against a guy that looks like this, if my body under the jersey looks like this. As seen on PTI If I were Barrnes I'd REALLY hope Ibaka truly doesn't know how to fight, that he has a glass jaw, and I get that one punch to it in immediately. I realize being big isn't everything in a fight, but that's a pretty big size difference there. Lastly, screw Matt Barnes, and that's coming from a UCLA AND Lakers fan. uke:
I'd rather fight Barnes than Ibaka. I'd rather fight both of them (at the same time) than Rhonda Rousey. Very few NBA players can fight. Like @Weezy said, Artest can, and would, fight. I put Barnes in the KG camp. "Kevin never said anything to me." - Ben Wallace