i think beasley will still be regarded as a shotmaker when next season opens, despite his awful stint with us. and yes, reputation matters. it will take another stint like ours to undo beasley's rep as a dangerous shooter.
Shrug..what exactly have you been " right " about? ( where you on the Beasley gravity train too?)I really don't remember.. Did you recieve a check, for all the times that you were "right"? I haven't been "proven" wrong about much of anything, please be specific. I have a lil time today. Goalposts..bad takes..blah.blah..blah. Real life is fluid, so is opinions on sports. If Lebron and AD don't play together much, we ain't winning jack. Sound familiar?That's still the main thing to me. This upcoming season too.
this is the same Malik Beasely that played here, who was unplayable if he couldn't hit a shot (which was most nights)? Lock down defender? OK.
He tried on D and didn’t look terrible but they’re smoking some good stuff to be telling fans they’re going to put him at POA on the opponents best guard every night. Actually I guess the statement “toughest defensive assignment” includes all wings too.
Cut him some slack … dude used a cloaking device to disappear. Even the Eagle’s not stopping a guy doing that.