Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I missed this comment somehow before, just wanted to say I agree with you pretty much entirely and hope you’re right about the soft reboot/retcon, though I don’t expect it. The rest though, probably their only move back, slowly but steadily. After episode 4 of Ahsoka your comment looks even more spot on, as that was IMO some of the best Star Wars I think we’ve gotten in a long, long time. That episode by itself was better for me than any of the sequels, spoilers ahead as to why.

    This episode, for me, finally felt like Star Wars, go to the theater and be filled with some sense of adventure and wonder Star Wars. The saber fights were very good, the tension was there. The duel between Ahsoka and Baylan I thought was excellent, you could feel his presence and the weight of his swings as he got more intense, someone compared it to Vader’s movements just out of the suit and I thought that was a good comparison.

    The big moment for me though, was Sabine being faced with a choice, an agonizing choice, a choice with the possible fate of the galaxy on the line, and we the audience not fully knowing which way she’d go (ok, we probably did, but the suspense in the moment was there, it felt like SW). And then she made what seems like the wrong choice, and Disney Star Wars hasn’t had the guts to have a hero do that at all as far as I can remember, Rey was perfect and always did the “right thing”. This was a true character building/development moment, a moment of actual humanity we could identify with, she wasn’t cold and stoic and easily making the right choice, she was struggling hard like any of us would in her position. That’s so much of what Disney Star Wars has been missing, real moments, real characters. This episode felt very Empire Strikes back in tone, in that the heroes lost this battle, Sabine handed over the map to maybe fight another day, Ahsoka fell off that cliff, things feel dire and like there’s actual stakes now. For the first time in a long time I’m actually looking forward to the next installment of SW, and I’m cautiously optimistic, but mainly just happy that something Disney SW gave me that SW feeling again, it CAN be done.

    I agree with your post here almost entirely, extremely well stated IMO, and I do agree SW fans can be impatient. My only argument against that and the comparison to Clone Wars is that CW seasons were 20+ episodes long. There will be “filler” in there for that and that’s ok. This show is 8 episodes, there isn’t time to waste here. I still think episodes 1&2 could have been combined into one hour long episode, and 3 and 4 could have as well. Now we have 4 left and it IMO just got good. I don’t have an issue with the story as a whole, just the pace it’s moved at. I think Disney has been making shows like this that crawl along, they’ve been milking this stuff for all it’s worth, and their goodwill is just gone with me is where I’m at, they do it with Marvel shows as well. It’s all intended to stretch this stuff out over multiple seasons to keep us subscribed to D+ and make us wait years in between seasons and I feel that’s unnecessary, just tell a tighter story. But anyway I’m all in now after episode 4, that was great stuff.

    I agree entirely with your take on the prequels as well, I was 15 when The Phantom Menace came out, I saw it 7-8 times in the theater, I had a blast with the prequels. I know the acting largely isn’t great, the dialogue is meh for most of it, 2&3 rely way too much on CGI, but I love those movies, episode 3 is probably my 2nd (or 4th at worst after ANH and ROTJ) favorite Star Wars movie after Empire, I enjoy it every time. But as you said, the STORY is there, the story is solid, the lore was expanded upon, the worlds Lucas created were so cool, and the downfall of Anakin is fascinating to watch, as I said in my take above, he’s faced with a major choice, and he makes the wrong one, but it’s a very human moment, he wants to save his loved one, and of course in ROTJ the same thing redeems him in the end.

    For me the Sequel trilogy had none of that, just a bunch of lame characters, no story planned out, and a ridiculous over the top Marvel movie style ending written by people that know nothing about Star Wars, and complete with dangerous light beam going into the sky, plus “and I am all the Jedi!”. :wasntme: That’s not how the force works.

    But yes, to wrap up, I’m very encouraged after episode 4, from here on out we’ve seen almost nothing left to happen, and unlike my last reviews instead of a list of things I hated that could go on and on, this episode I have a list of things I loved that I could spend way too much time talking about. (SPOILERS from here on) Multiple moments gave me chills, and that ending made me smile like hell and look forward to episode 5 potentially being some of the coolest Star Wars ever put out if done right. I never thought we’d get to see Anakin as a force being or whatever you want to call it beyond ROTJ, it has the potential to be amazing. I thought for sure we’d get force ghost Anakin talking to Luke in the sequels and we didn’t, such a wasted opportunity, hopefully this makes up somewhat for that. To potentially have Anakin discuss his downfall, talk about his mistakes, coming back from being Vader, get closure with his padawan from Clone Wars, man, trying not to get my hopes up, but this could be something special. Oh and I agree on Starkiller, I wasn’t on board with that, I thought Marrok was just Marrok, and I liked how they handled it in this episode. Looking forward to next week, I really hope it’s longer than 30 mins, we need an hour of Ahsoka and Anakin.
    BigDan24, sk2408 and ElginTheGreat like this.
  2. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    That episode was so good. So good.

    Completely agree with your breakdown.

    Ahsoka vs Baylon is instantly the best live action light saber duel we have had in what seems like forever. Baylon was actually imposing and menacing. I love the way they are making him such a complex villain. Giving him a moral code too is just a great touch. Makes me that much more sad that the actor has passed away. Unlike the sequel trilogy, the tv shows have delivered some good villains in Baylon and Moff Gideon. I am optimistic that they are going to really take it to the next level with Thrawn.

    And you're spot on about Sabine as opposed to Rey. We are actually being taken through Sabine's journey. She's not just a perfect character being dropped out of nowhere that we are all told to just like and not question how she can instantly do everything. I like seeing Sabine combining her Mandalorian and Jedi training. I also like that she can't just instantly use the force like a Jedi Master unlike other characters. lol.

    Training. Learning from mistakes. Struggling and then ultimately winning. These are all just core things that should be a part of Star Wars. Any director, show runner, writer, etc who doesn't understand that should be shown the door, I don't care who they are or how big their name is.

    I can ramble on all day about that episode. For the first time in a while I actually instantly wanted to watch an episode of Star Wars again. It also made me feel like my hopes for the franchise turning things around might actually be more than just wishful thinking. lol.

    I don't know if they will go all the way and reboot things but I've got to think that even the people at Disney can see what gives them the best response from Star Wars. Just give us what we want and stop trying to force this other stuff down our throats. The formula is straight forward and you've got a guy in Filoni who knows how to craft stories that feel like Star Wars. Stop overthinking this by bringing in people who don't get Star Wars and just hand the man the keys to the car.
    sk2408 likes this.
  3. sk2408

    sk2408 - Rookie -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    Also really enjoyed last night's episode, its so refreshing to see Star Wars fans excited about a project again.

    I love bringing Anakin in at this moment. I've mentioned how the version of Ahsoka played by Dawson that we see in Mando season 2 and the first three episodes of Ahsoka doesn't feel like the Ahsoka we see in Clone Wars or Rebels. I thought about it more and realized that we really don't see much of Ahsoka between her fight with Vader in Rebels Season 2 and her talking to Ezra in the world between worlds in the last season of Rebels. It makes sense to me now that this version of Ahsoka would be more stoic, more serious, and more accepting of the conventional Jedi wisdom around foregoing attachment and putting the greater good above personal feelings because she thinks not doing so is why Anakin became Vader. It's why she's hesitant to train Sabine (who's also developed attachments to her found family) and Grogu (who's developed the attachment to Mando). Anakin becoming Vader impacted her that deeply, and kind of in the opposite way it impacted Obi Wan who at the beginning of Kenobi has given up being a Jedi (not that I think Kenobi is good, it sucks lol).

    Maybe Ahsoka talking to Anakin in this next episode is what sets her straight again. She gets closure on his turn. I always though Ahsoka represented the path Anakin should have taken, leaving the Order but still fighting for good and the people she cares about. Maybe Anakin restores her faith in that path, which is why we eventually see her at Luke's Jedi academy (which I'm pretty sure happens after this show chronologically, I think Favreau said somewhere that Grogu is with Luke for a year before Mando shows up in Book of Boba Fett).
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  4. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    Finally got around to finishing Jedi Survivor and it’s one of my favorite Star Wars stories in quite some time, arguably game of the year IMO

    I think this is finally going to motivate me to check out Andor
  5. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Gonna leave this here.

  6. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I'll revisit the video when the series is over but I don't know that I agree with the overall point made.

    For me, this is a pretty blatant sequel to The Clone Wars and Rebels. Because of that, the appearances of old characters make sense for me and it doesn't come across as just fan service.

    The world between worlds is controversial and I get that. But I honestly like the concept and bringing in more sci fi concepts into Star Wars.

    I feel like the problem with the sequel trilogy (well, one of many problems actually) was trying way too hard to separate itself from the history of Star Wars and it ended up running the whole franchise into a ditch. It's almost like they just decided that everyone from before sucks and we're going to run them into the ground in favor of our new picks. I also think the sequel could have benefited much more from using the OG characters. Kylo idolized Vader but we never see anything other than a patched together helmet. We never got to see the original trio again.

    And honestly, if you really wanted to paint Luke as giving up on the force, we should have seen that journey. We needed to see what actually happened that made Luke feel like killing Kylo might be the only answer. Show Kylo destroying the Jedi Order, forming the Knights of Ren, etc. That would have been much more interesting than whatever was going on in Canto Bight and useless characters like Maz Kanata and DJ.

    I like taking the old characters and mixing in new elements. For me, I feel like a lot of interesting stuff that hasn't been explored on screen is being seeded here from the witches to the new galaxy.

    I totally understand that it may not work for everyone, but I am enjoying this one overall.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2023
  7. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Also, if I had to grade it right now, I'd probably give Ahsoka a 7 or 8 out of ten. It's not perfect, but its a such a large step up from the 2s, 3s, and 4s we've been getting that fans are reacting big time to it. That and that the issues with it are pretty fixable. They can tweak this and keep things going in a good direction (hopefully one that at least soft reboots the sequels).

    I think its going to end up being very important to the overall direction of star wars and I'm good with that.
    sk2408 likes this.
  8. sk2408

    sk2408 - Rookie -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    MauLer is great, I really enjoy his videos and agree with his criticisms of media 99% of the time. His stuff on the sequel trilogy is awesome. I know that if I sit and think about it, some of the writing/characterization in Ahsoka doesn't hold up. I enjoyed the Anakin/Ahsoka stuff in episode 5, but did think that Ahsoka's reaction to seeing Anakin was way too understated. But I still like the show because I think its hitting the themes/tones of Star Wars pretty well.
  9. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Just realized Boba Fett is the voice of Moana’s dad. Sorry, random.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  10. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Now that is has wrapped up, I would still give Ahsoka a solid 7.5.

    Good show overall with some things I loved and some things that were meh.

    There are some very interesting threads they have put into place here though. I remember hearing that Lucas gave Disney a treatment for the sequel treatment that they completely ignored. I feel like Filoni is trying to work in those concepts and build something here that could really be great in the end. We will see.

    Ahsoka does not single handedly save Star Wars. It is more like hitting a double to me which is a significant step up from all the whiffs that Disney Star Wars has produced. Hopefully they can really take it to the next level as we keep moving this story along.
    sk2408 likes this.
  11. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    So I didn't watch the show, but are the characters all this bad at lightsaber combat? They look like they are moving at 1/4 speed. I'm in my mid 40s, and I would look like prime Jet Li compared to these guys.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  12. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    It's weird for me. While they overemphasize things for effect here (and I'm a huge fan of these video breakdowns), yes, they moved slowly.

    But other than a few scenes it didn't bother me when I was actually watching it. I feel like Dawson needs more work but I actually really loved how Baylan used the lightsaber. His movements had "heft" like the lightsaber had real weight to it making him come across like this lumbering but unstoppable force. It's hard to describe but you feel the threat he presents every time he shows up on the screen.

    I hate that the actor passed away but I'm hoping they recast that character.

    Overall, if you aren't a Filoni fan and/or didn't like the cartoons, then this won't change your mind but I overall I thought the series was solid and enjoyed it.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  13. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I wasn't necessarily talking about Baylan. I was talking about Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra blocking blaster bolts and swinging at Storm Troopers. They look like they are rehearsing where they will be moving in slow motion to see if they're getting the movements correct, not a full force, full speed fight.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  14. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Yeah. I tend to agree with that. They need more work.
  15. sk2408

    sk2408 - Rookie -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    This is about how I feel as well. It could have been a 9 or 10 show, but there was definitely some lackluster writing (I hate that Ezra was basically filled in on everything that happened with the rebellion off-screen, and that he's extremely one-dimensional in the few episodes we see him) and wooden acting performances, but there was fun stuff and the Baylan character is great (except for him abruptly telling Shin to get lost out of nowhere, which was weird). My main concerns going forward are:

    1. I still don't know if they've gotten Thrawn right. I'm concerned he's going to be original Zahn trilogy Thrawn, highly competent but clearly a bad guy, instead of now-canon Thrawn that really isn't evil at all and cares only about protecting the Chiss Ascendancy. Having him be the former would be fine if Disney didn't banish that stuff to non-canon and commission new books where he is the latter.
    2. If they're really going to do original Zahn trilogy Thrawn character/plot, you have to have Luke, Han and Leia. You cannot just have these lame contrivances where C3PO comes in to deliver a message on Leia's behalf. The de-aged Luke in BoBF was okay, but Luke needs to be the main character if you're going to do that particular story. You can't inexplicably turn canon Thrawn into Legends Thrawn and do the Heir to the Empire plot while leaving out Luke, Han and Leia or reducing them to cameos. Doesn't work. Just recast them.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  16. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I'm fully on board with a recast at this point. I think it just makes sense and it moves us closer to some level of reboot.

    I'm curious to what Thrawn they are building toward as well.

    A real Star Wars movie with a recast Luke leading the way against a competent Thrawn is my quiet dream here.
  17. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  18. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    So the current braintrust of Star Wars has ran the franchise into a ditch...and they rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic and act like things are fixed.
    FrontOfJersey22 likes this.
  19. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Filoni is a fraud. I haven’t posted in here for over 3 months for a reason. Ahsoka in the end was as dumb and brainless, as insulting to the intelligence of the audience as all these other crap Star Wars shows. It did the opposite of sticking the landing, and the Sabine force powers stuff was the last straw. The only good Disney Star Wars has been Rogue One, Andor, and bits of the Mandalorian, the rest is meh to pure trash.

    I’m done with Disney Star Wars aside from Andor season 2, they’ve fooled me one too many times, and again, Filoni is a fraud and will fix nothing. He writes for children, he should stick to animation where few will question his choices. Disney Star Wars isn’t Star Wars anyway, it’s fan fiction, if George didn’t make it, it doesn’t count for me, it’s What If stuff. If I were to break down what I didn’t like about Ahsoka in the end, my post would be so long it would take up an entire page of this thread, so I’m not going to bother. But I will say yes, Savory, the combat in Ahsoka was awful, I like Rosario Dawson a lot, but she looks awful with lightsabers, the only ones I believed were Baylan and Shin.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  20. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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