Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I didn't know R2-D2 was a dude

  2. sk2408

    sk2408 - Rookie -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    Anyone watch the first two episodes of Ahsoka? I liked them, although I think some of the acting is questionable. I'm not sold on Rosario as Ahsoka, she's playing her very brooding and serious which isn't really what we've seen from Ahsoka in other shows. It does kind of track with how she was in that one episode of Mandalorian season 2, so maybe the angle is that's how she is post finding out Anakin is Vader. They also need to stop having people get stabbed all the way through and living lol.

    My biggest concern is that they'll get Thrawn wrong and turn him into just another evil Imperial, like Moff Gideon but smarter.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  3. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    It's solid so far (or maybe my meter is broken after Fett and Obi Wan). Haven't watched any of the animated to compare the character to.

    Yes, Rosario is extremely wooden and apparently that's not on brand. Whether it works or not, TBD.
    ElginTheGreat and sk2408 like this.
  4. FrontOfJersey22

    FrontOfJersey22 - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 21, 2021
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    I’m officially done with everything Star Wars. It’s going to take a major shakeup in the leadership for me to spend one more cent on their content.
  5. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    since I have Disney +, I'll watch the content to see if it's any good. Overall I find the stuff entertaining, but I'm not a hardcore fan that picks movies apart so much. This allows me to enjoy whatever version of something they push out. I have never compared a movie to the book either (Maybe 1), so that doesn't ruin movies for me either. It's just a form of entertainment.
  6. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Oof. Not good. Disastrous is more like it. 1.2 million in 6 days is par with Andor's numbers of just under a million in 4 days. This was supposed to "save" Star Wars.
  7. sk2408

    sk2408 - Rookie -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    I'd like for the shows I enjoy to have good viewership numbers, but at the end of the day I don't really care. Andor is a great show with poor viewership numbers. If Ahsoka stays good, it will start to generate some buzz and viewership should improve. At the very least, it will keep the hardcore fans from swearing off of Disney Star Wars entirely.
  8. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    For me the 2 episode premiere was the definition of mediocre. The 2nd episode was a bit better than the first, and then when I saw that Filoni didn’t direct it it made sense why. For me, I’m pretty set that he isn’t a live action director, and he isn’t the heir apparent to Lucas. The first episode was so slow and boring, Ahsoka solving Indiana Jones puzzles was not entertaining, it was boring (the whole map thing was dumb too, it’s just the sith dagger in TROS all over again, it makes no sense). We get EIGHT episodes of this show, and yet just like on Mando there is so much filler, characters talk so slow, then there’s a 3-5 second pause and someone will finally reply. Ahsoka stands their arms crossed making thinking faces and finally says something, it is AWFUL. They could have easily condensed these 2 episodes into 1.

    I find myself wondering while watching it who is this for, who is this meant to appeal to, it’s like The Eternals of Star Wars, sooo slow. The only thing for me that brings it up from bad to mediocre is it had some good action, some decent suspense, and the Baylan and Shin characters are somewhat interesting. But I’m sorry, Filoni is nonsensical in his writing, it’s an embarrassing level. If you want to say it’s meant for children and is just live action Rebels, fine, I’ll give that to you, but it’s not really marketed that way.

    One example is the opening with Baylan, why does the captain of the ship transporting a dangerous prisoner allow the people with the old Jedi code to board? That would not happen, it’s idiotic, they would ask them to identify themselves and shoot them down if they presented a threat, but it’s Filoni and Disney, so they’re morons. Another example is Sabine acting like a spoiled teenager, isn’t she supposed to be like in her 30’s at this point? None of these characters really act like their animated counterparts if you ask me. I thought the part with Sabine playing chicken with an X-Wing while rock music blasted in the background to inform us that she’s a rebel who won’t be told what to do! was so wildly out of place and cringy I almost turned it off right there. And then her taking the map from Ahsoka to go work on it on her own, like a petulant teenager, “you won’t tell me what to do Ahsoka, I know best!”, and immediately she gets in trouble and stabbed and yet survives… Another example is that moron yelling “for the empire!” before attempting to shoot Hera/Ahsoka, if he’d just shot he may have hit them, but no he has to announce his intentions because Disney thinks their audience are 5 years old.

    I could nitpick all day, (I really could, barely scratched the surface here, like Sabine trained as a jedi? Huh? What?), but I’ll just finish with some of my biggest “why”s. Why if Thrawn is such a big threat and Ahsoka needs help does she go to Hera and not involve Luke? Luke Skywalker, along with Leia, Han, Lando, etc, is the hero of the rebellion, yet he’s just like not around for stuff like this? There’s a threat of the empire returning and they don’t bother to give him a call, and if they do he’s too busy? F off, Disney. Why tell the Heir to the Empire story over again without those characters? I’m supposed to laud Filoni for stealing that story and inserting his own characters? Yeah, no.

    I’ll keep watching because I did like Rebels, but if it doesn’t get better this is the last Star Wars show for me except for Andor, that’s the only Star Wars show I have liked, Mando season 3 ruined the whole series. I would say maybe Star Wars just doesn’t work in tv form if it weren’t for Andor, if we didn’t have that I’d be certain of it, it’s a movie franchise. Disney Star Wars isn’t real Star Wars anyway though, only the stuff George made counts for me, the rest is just what if type stuff, I enjoy Andor and Rogue One, but not much else. Last second thought, I don’t like how any of Disney Star Wars TV looks, it’s all very dull colors, bland and grey, almost like a hazy filter is over everything. The originals were beautifully shot, and at least colorful in the case of the prequels.
    LTLakerFan likes this.
  9. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Forgot to post this above. I don’t always agree with The Critical Drinker, but I do think he makes some very good videos sometimes. I agree with a lot of his take on Ahsoka, STOIC

    this is a good recap too for anyone that doesn’t want to watch it but wants to see what it’s about

  10. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Most hardcore fans have already sworn off it. Hence the terrible rating of Andor and Ahsoka.
  11. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
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    Life Lesson: Don't be hardcore. Enjoy life.
  12. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I have actually enjoyed Ahsoka so far with Episode 3 being my favorite. It's more of a base hit or double rather than a home run for me, but its not bad in my opinion.
  13. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Overall, with all these major franchises, I don't think there is a quick fix for any of them. Honestly think that stepping in there and trying to fix everything all at once is probably a mistake.

    A series of bad moves drove the franchise into the ditch and it will now take some time and a series of good moves to fix it.

    I think crafting solid stories that feel like Star Wars and building up to something bigger is the right strategy. Ahsoka isn't perfect, but like all of his projects, you can tell by what's on the screen that Filoni cares and is trying to put together a real Star Wars story. Also feel like he is subtly putting the pieces in place for at least some kind of soft reboot/retcon of the sequel trilogy if that is the direction they want to go.

    But yeah, there is no instant fix for the mess things are in. They are going to have to take their time and really put together a good story. Even then, I think there is a good chance that the audience won't be as big as they want. I'm actually okay with that as I think trying to appeal to everyone and ignoring the core fans is another factor that got things where they are.
    Weezy likes this.
  14. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    For me episode 3 was the best one yet, but there’s still way too much fundamental stuff that bugs me. Like why is the new republic so dumb, why are they against checking to see if Thrawn is a threat? A government that just came out of a war I would think would be on high alert and check out everything to be sure, but no they learned no lessons from Palpatine. Why didn’t Shin just try to shoot Ahsoka’s ship down rather than her on the wing, that’s moronic, just shoot the engines and blow it up, don’t aim for the tiny person on it. Stuff like that irks me to no end because it insults the intelligence of the audience, it looks cool so they think we’ll just ooh and ahh and take it.

    It was a better episode though, I thought the characters were more like their animated versions, there was some humor finally in their interactions and Hera got more to do for example, to show more emotion. Thought the action was solid overall as well, but it was too short, they wasted so much time in the first 2 episodes IMO and now there are only 5 left. So yeah much plot progression for me in this one, but it was fun I guess.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  15. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    This issue with Star Wars though is it's not just a series of bad movies. Those bad movies fundamentally changed the very story and ethos of Star Wars. Star Wars was the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker with the help of his son where he kills the Emperor and brings balance to the Force and peace to the galaxy. That's it. That's the story. Now? now Anakin not only didn't bring balance to the Force, but the man he thought he killed has a grand daughter who kills the Emperor instead. SHE is now the hero of the story. All Luke and Anakin did was slow the Empire/First Order down for a while. How can we go back to loving Star Wars when the very thing that made Star Wars what it was has been radically changed?

    Disney made the mistake of thinking people like Star Wars because of pew-pews and laser swords. But that's not what Star Wars is. It's Luke. It's Han. It's Leia. And's none of those things.
    LTLakerFan, sk2408, JSM and 1 other person like this.
  16. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I honestly don't disagree with that. Disney has done real damage to Star Wars and only a paid shill could really argue against that at this point.

    I just have a suspicion (or at least hope) that some of that will be changed as we move forward and that we haven't seen the last of Luke, Han and Leia. That will require recasts which I know many will immediately reject but I think those characters will reappear and the sequel trilogy will be altered.

    My point was more that you can't fix that all at once. You have to build toward it and its going to take time. You have to introduce some mechanism to alter the cannon which Filoni is doing IMO.

    Whether they will take the ultimate leap and actually fix things remains to be seen but the numbers are clear. They've lost the fans. They've got to make some bold moves to start bringing people back.
    Weezy, LTLakerFan and Savory Griddles like this.
  17. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Have always enjoyed your writing skills, Weezy, when you are passionate about points you're making.

    :clap: :rock:
    FrontOfJersey22 and Weezy like this.
  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Haha thanks LT, I am very passionate about Star Wars, which is why it bothers me so much what Disney has done with it. They wasted the last shot at having Luke, Han, and Leia together and made a sequel trilogy without a plan, all to sell toys and pump up their new characters nobody even liked because modern Disney doesn’t understand how to make characters people identify with or like. Then on top of that they built all their Star Wars lands in Disney parks based on the sequels nobody likes instead of around the time tested original trilogy everyone loves. I just see very little hope for Disney Star Wars until Kennedy, Iger, and so many others up top there are gone and actual skilled people are brought in. Or even if they let George Lucas make one last movie, no interference, there’d be some hope there, maybe even let him write them a manual for things not to do in Star Wars for all future people that work on it, like the sort of general philosophy it needs to have and basic stuff that just doesn’t work to stay away from. Will never happen, but that’s IMO the sort of thing that needs to happen to keep it on the right track, he’s the creator, he should get to make the Star Wars bible haha.

    :Kobe Shrug:

    Really though I think it’s a Hollywood at large problem, not many seem to be able to write golf characters or good stories anymore, or if they do they’re working for companies that allow for that, and when they sign up for Star Wars they’re handcuffed in what they’re allowed to do. I think the only thing that eventually changes that is what we’re seeing now, flop after box office flop for Disney, and them losing billions on Disney+, eventually shareholders will say enough is enough like they did near the end of Eisner’s time there.
    LTLakerFan likes this.
  19. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
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    Watched the first 3 episodes, and it’s slow moving in developing the story. Andor was like that, but the first season ended in a way that looked pretty intriguing. It’s still entertaining, so I’ll keep watching.

    anybody making the mistake of comparing it to action packed movies may be disappointed.
    sk2408 likes this.
  20. sk2408

    sk2408 - Rookie -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    I do think the Star Wars fandom is too impatient sometimes. An episode isn't "filler" if there's no lightsaber fight or whatever. I love the Clone Wars animated series, but there were a lot of slower episodes in that too. But as a whole, it embodied the spirit and themes of Star Wars incredibly well, and those slower episodes do contribute to that by filling in the edges of the galaxy and examining lesser characters in greater detail.

    That said, I still agree with 95% of everything Weezy is saying. I was born in 1994 so I'm more of a prequels guy than the originals, which I still love. I'm happy to admit the prequels were clunky, awkward, and filled with plotholes, wooden dialogue and some uninspired acting. I love them anyway, though, because I think the overarching story and themes are true to the ethos of Star Wars that Lucas established in the originals. The sequels, in contrast, are visually superior and have some better acting (although Daisy Ridley is a pretty bad actress), but they spit in the face of Lucas's vision of Star Wars in favor of "subverting expectations" and shallow virtue signaling.

    Anyways, I'm liking Ahsoka well enough so far. Shin trying to shoot at Ahsoka, rather than just blowing up the ship, was dumb. Now the online fanbase is setting itself for disappointment with this theory that the masked inquisitor is Starkiller, which definitely isn't true. But I liked how Dawson played Ahsoka better in the 3rd episode and I'm encouraged that they've essentially exhausted everything shown in the trailers through three episodes. If they can get Thrawn's motivation and personality right, I think it could end up being a very solid show.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.

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