I'm not opposed to him at times if some bodying and banging is needed, and he's slowly but steadily improved a little each year.... not without some skills.
I know it's not gonna happen for at least 1-2 months (if ever even..) but Davis should be the starting 4 over Boozer. At this point in his career, Boozer is not a viable PNR threat because he can't finish well around the rim anymore, so all he does is shoot midrange J's on Pick N Pops. JHill also isn't that great off a PNR because his hands are kind of stiff and he's not crazy athletic - he's more of a garbage man. So when you pair Boozer/Hill together, you end up with a mediocre PNR bigman-game where ability to finish at the rim is average and midrange J's are preferred (but still the worst shot in the game). By inserting Davis though, a viable roll-man is added to the mix, and a PG with vision and penetration skills (Lin), can run a 2-man game in the middle of the floor. This naturally is dangerous because overhelping on either PNR player frees the other up, and it also helps to erase the weakness in 3 point shooting that the Lakers have because it creates perimeter spacing (if a PNR is occurring in the middle of the floor, the other players must be out on the perimeter/wings). This spacing would help/allow for Kobe to run off a Hill Screen at the high post, while a SF (please not Wes) floats around the 3point line.
The problem is are you then putting too much into the starting lineup and negatively effecting Kobe's production? With Boozer and Hill in the starting lineup you have a PF/C combo that can step out of the paint and let Kobe post up. Those two big men can hit open jumpers fairly well at this point. Well enough to give Kobe just enough room to operate. By putting in Davis you limit Kobe's ability to get into the paint. Kobe isn't athletic enough anymore to blow past his defender on the perimeter so there's not as many opportunities for him to draw the big man and dump off to Davis. With Lin/Davis off the bench you have an immediately viable offensive weapon where before there wasn't one. Until Young, and to a lesser extent Clarkson and Kelly, come back Lin/Davis off the bench is the only option we have to keep both the starting unit and the bench unit working offensively.
Right now hes the steal of the summer in the NBA. I think as a starter on a team he can average 14 10 and 2 blocks per game. but he fits better for us on the bench.
Love what Ed brings especially the chemistry he and Lin seem to have. But Ed most definitely needs to come off the bench. We need to look at the style of play each unit needs to use. I'd be more in favor of starting Randle (eventually) than starting Ed.
Heard this before but didn't really know the kids game but I'm starting to believe this statement more and more each game. Signed him for 2 seasons at 1 mil a pop if i'm right. I can roll with that!
Ed is a real steal. He comes at a low price and is a better shot blocker than anyone on the team (including Hill). He's good off then bench because I feel he will get lost in the shuffle playing with the starters. You can mix and match him with starters mid and late game but to get his full potential on this squad, coming off the bench is his best opportunity make an impact (and get his numbers).
I hope he is a Laker for a long time, we're really putting together some building blocks for a nice future.
Another nice outing from Ed tonight. He really was a steal. I'm a big fan of his game. Love his pick and roll and pick and pop with Lin. Kobe was finding him in the post as well the two games before this. Love his defense at the rim.
I still think he will opt out of his deal after this year. No way he accepts his player option after he'll have a great season with us and only get paid $1 million next year
Next candidate to get an overpriced 2 year deal with a team option ala J Hill if we can't land a superstar with our cap space next summer. Absolutely love what he brings to the team & hope I'm wrong about the beginning of my post.
I've said it all along, Davis is our Hill replacement if Hill has the kind of year he's capable of having. The way I see it: - Hill has a great year statistically and ends up averaging something like 12/10/1.5 or something like that and plays his way into a solid contract worth probably 3/21 or something like that. The Lakers will take a strong look at re-signing but!... - Davis shows a strong season too, but off the bench he doesn't have the same opportunity and averages something like 8/8/1 and the Lakers can re-sign him for a much friendlier deal. Something like 4/24 or around there, making him a "Nick Young" deal kind of player that can give us great production for a reasonable cost. That's been my stance since we got Ed this summer and I hope it comes to fruition. I hope Hill plays himself into a great new contract whether it's with us or someone else. And I hope Davis is retained for an affordable price so we can build around Lin/Davis/Randle/Young moving forward.
^^ Agreed realdeal. Just depends on who we go after this summer, I think, too. I like Hill better as a 4 and I like Ed Davis better as a 5. Not sure who we will target and hopefully get. If we go after a guy like Marc Gasol, I see keeping Hill and maybe letting Davis go. But if we strike out there or go after a different position I hope we keep Davis because he's an absolutely solid 5 for us, I think and the system we are running. He plays good solid D, and is superb in the pick and roll/pick and pop. That's what we run and that's how Byron likes to use him. He's a great fit.
Ugh, imagine: M. Gasol/Davis Hill/Randle (SF)/Young Kobe/Clarkson Lin/Price Fill that SF spot with a knockdown 3-point shooter and that's a contender right there.