Yeah it’s time to get that bigger wing everyone has been calling for. This guy looks done. And I was giving him the benefit of the doubt earlier saying he’d bounce back. But Vogel can’t even play him. We saved some luxury tax on Lebron’s suspension. Let’s sign someone else.
Granted we haven't seen Trevor on the court yet, but Baze moves like the oldest guy on the team. Considering he's one of the "younger" vets, that's embarrassing. I don't get it. I can't see him getting a job next year. Given that he's only 32, that's impressive.
That was the best I've seen him last night in awhile. That isn't saying much, though. He's been awful. He'll go back to the end of the bench soon when we get our normal rotational guys back...
some people's careers die after they join the Lakers we thought we might have had something special with him coming back, but unfortunately for us and him, that just hasn't been the case. I'm not sure he has a job anywhere next year.
i'm still puzzled. i thought he looked good in the preseason, iirc. but maybe my eyes were fooling me. he's been so bad for most of the year. like, "should be in china" bad. then again, rondo looked that way for parts of the title season, so who knows.