Very impressive considering his age and how long he's been in the league. Another pro who has taken care of himself obviously. This team is full of them. And all the collective all star appearances is record setting for an NBA roster. Holy crap Batman!!
Was expecting Ariza to get injured later, I guess he wants to get it out of the way now. Maybe forever.
Damn. Wonder how much that changes Vogel's lineup plans. We were relying on his defensive versatility. I think that pushes Baze into the starting 5. AD Bron Baze Ellington Russ Melo might get more PT these first couple months than initially thought, too. James Ennis right now...
Aw just great, Just what we don't have to spare is 3s and 4s and Trev is both. Exactly my worry was if we get hit in this area by injury. LBJ is forced to go back to the 3 now and who plays 4 then? This could throw us into a Dwight +AD @ the 4 and LBJ @ the 3 situation. Not that that is horrible but they planned with Russ to play LBJ @ 4 and AD @5
What jumped out to me is that they're not saying he'll be back in 8 weeks. They'll take another look at it in 8 weeks. Could be longer. Given age, it's probably gong to be longer. Then he has to shake the dust off and get caught up in game shape. This is why converting AR to the big boys roster just wasn't necessary.
And so the injury bug returns. We were already lacking in size on the wing and now lost the only one we had. Its really strange how many guards we looked into for training camp and two way players but decided to leave the glaring hole unchecked. Anyonr have Wes on speed dial, or return Ennis’ calls.
Just great. I’d insert Dwight at center. Spacing will suck, but it is what it is. Russ Ellington/Monk Lebron AD Dwight