So this is what it feels like to care about another team, other than the Lakers winning... Interesting
Good game. They can finish this in 6, although it doesn't even matter if the Warriors lose in Cleveland now -- they'll still win it at home if necessary. Sweet.
But...but...Bronnie makes his teammates better! That might have been a bit of a stretch but where's Shannon Brown these days?
Kobe can have a big series and win the title for our team, and they'll still carry on about how few assists he had or how he didn't shoot under 20 shots or over 50%. It's so weird to see.
Im not a Bron guy by any stretch of imagination but cut the man some slack. Some of us treat him just like other fans treat Kobe. They can't win i guess...
Wait did I just hear LeBron is still the finals MVP despite a loss? We're breaking rules now for the kang?
I would love to see them close this out in Cleveland. To watch Bron stomp off his own court like a toddler without shaking hands. To see the hearts ripped out of the Cleveland hopeful fans. Them having to watch a real team winning. It'd be pure poetry
Lol Cavs fans complaining about not getting calls. You are right Cavs fans. Lebron is not getting any calls on his stiff arm to the hoop. I feel your pain. I'm mad too.
If I was a die hard Dubs fan I would want them to close out on the home court, the fans deserve it big time. But as an outsider, watching them finish off the Cavs on their own court would be magical.
no actual rule preventing this...jerry west is currently the only player to win the finals mvp despite his team losing. really hoping LeBron isn't the next
Iggy has plqying on another level...but his ft shooting was horrible and with out the excuse...i think he lost his potentionaly finals mvp aword in that curry was awesome and clutch in last 8min... Personaly i who will win it...i,just want gs to win next game...