Ayton bear him like a drum in the 3rd quarter and Vogel just keep him in there. Really hope they start Gasol next game
Ayton scored 4 points on Drummond in the third quarter.The problem is that they are getting him switched off of Drummond, too easily with the guards screens.Gasol is getting murdered by the Phoenix guards on dribble drives, they are getting too deep into the paint with him at 5. Without Davis we have some real problems with interior defense.
How nice of you not to note the fouls drawn or Ayton dominating the glass. Drummond had a chance to step up with AD out and instead his counterpart went off and it was going at Drummond
How was he going to do that in 19 minutes? Ayton and all the Suns guards went at Gasol, did you somehow miss that? We have to figure out a new interior strategy fast.
their guards are to fast n shifty once they get that screen, need our guards to fight harder thru screens
At this point people really see what they wanna see with the Drummond/Gasol debate. CP3 got into a rhythm by shredding Marc in P&R action. Gasol also lacks the stamina to log 25+ minutes. Towards the end of the game he was really laboring to get up and down the court. We really missed AD being our 4th quarter big.
Looks like he's not going anywhere. Get used to the Drumm... for better or worse https://bleacherreport.com/articles...-is-part-of-the-future-moving-forward-with-la
Yeah, I've been figuring we were keeping AD2 to satisfy AD's desire to not play center during the regular season. I still think he's a good player to do so. I've felt that Trez will probably try again elsewhere for a bigger contract and more PT. I think also that DS will walk for more money elsewhere and we'll reinvest in AC and THT. I believe in those scenarios we can hopefully keep Drummond at MLE type money with a backloaded contract for later on. I'm cool with all of that. I think we can work AD2 into the mix more fully next training camp.
Once we let Trez walk, it will be perfectly acceptable to sign Drummond for cheap. He'd be alright after a good training camp.
Andre either has to come cheap or Rob has to gut the roster of almost everyone to give him a significant contract. Part of the problem is placating AD and his desire for 5s to carry that position for him. Also his relationship with AD2 going back to playing each other in high school and Team USA. AD2 is ok with AD and Lebron in the game. But we're better with Gasol and it makes little sense why Gasol got DNP'd in game one, a loss.
LMAO , is Bingo Byron our GM or is it Pelinka ? I may not watch next season if this bum is still starting
I really hope he's gone next year but I thought was alright tonight. Can't really out this loss on him Just a bit shocking how much better Ayton is finishing around the rim compared to him. You just can't run the same sets Phoenix does: part of it is on the poor shooting but the other other is Drummond's poor hands and touch compared to Ayton
Drummond is the least of our problems, we don't have a guard that can throw it in the ocean. The crazy things is, they have been getting good looks all series.