I agree with this and abeer's comment. Doc is a good coach, he did seem to be turning their culture around this season, they just turned into the Clippers as usual at the end. He should get blame too, but I agree the Clippers don't have "it". Matt Barnes isn't Ray Allen, Blake didn't have the experience and decade plus of desire of Garnett, and even CP3 can't flop and fake and injury and come back in and do the things Pierce did. Plus that team had a good bench full of vets who wanted a ring and more than one PG. What IS on Doc as GM is carrying one PG. Austin Rivers isn't a PG, and I don't care that he had a good game or 2, you don't bring in your son so he has a job. You get a real backup PG. Also, Matt Barnes sucks and is a choker in big games, he hurt them big time, I was not sorry to see him leave the Lakers. Clippers had a good enough roster, they're just the Clippers. What they don't have is a Steph Curry though. Or a player that can get more ft's by himself than their whole team (Harden, that was gross, not endorsing it), or a LeBron James.
Doc Rivers said he's looked into parade routes for the Clippers By Royce Young | NBA writer October 30, 2013 11:37 am ET Doc Rivers challenged Chris Paul when they met. (USATSI) Doc Rivers is thinking title in LA. (USATSI) The Clippers' championship dreams weren't crushed on opening night, but their pride certainly took a hit. Especially when you add in the fact that pregame, new coach Doc Rivers was apparently talking about how he's looked into championship parade routes already. Via NBA.com: The information gathering began, Doc Rivers said, four days after he was hired as coach and head of basketball operations for the Clippers. He wanted to learn more about parades. Championship parades. Championship parades for the Clippers. He couldn't follow his Boston formula of tracing the route the Patriots took and using it once he coached the C Bags to the 2008 title. He certainly wouldn't copy the Lakers' path through downtown, not when the whole point is for the Clippers to hammer out their own identity. Maybe the NHL's Kings. Rivers could have road tested Lord Stanley's 2012 ride. And he never would have guessed that teams have to pay at least part of the bill for the celebration. “I've researched enough to know what we can do,” he said. I think Rivers' reasoning here isn't arrogance as much as it's trying to change the Clipper culture that's been engrained the past 25 years. It's about changing the mindset of "Oh we're the Clippers we can't win a title" and turning it into having the confidence to envision a parade through Los Angeles that doesn't include the Lakers. (Sidebar: Does it really require 'research'? I'm pretty sure finding a parade path in LA shouldn't be all that hard. The Lakers have had so many there's probably still confetti lining the road from their last one.) Still, with the beatdown the Lakers put on the Clippers on Tuesday, those aspirations were damaged a bit. It's one of 82 and obviously the Clippers are still a contender, but when you start talking about parades, you kind of don't want to lose that same night. I think that's called getting humbled.
^Putting the horse before the cart and then having the horse Bruce Lee your a**. I'm surprised they don't put a blank championship banner up in the rafters similar to that other place he came from.
Didn't Rivers also had a similar experience on blowing a series lead when he was at Orlando with that first round virgin McGrady?
I forgot about Farmar. Yeah, that was dumb, Farmar isn't a star, but he's a playoff tested, championship-winning, bench PG. He was very good for us in 2009 and probably even better in 2010. He was a big part of that blowout of the C Bags in game 6 that got us to that game 7, and he played within himself and ran that bench mob well during the title runs. And LOL, parade routes, that's a complete waste of time. First because it will never happen, and 2nd because all he has to do if he does want one is ask for the map of ours.
I don't see any recent tweet about the Clippers, but there was this link from a couple weeks ago Agree with all of it, get out of LA already. We don't need 2 teams, they need a fresh start and to try and break their curse elsewhere.
Ooohh...I read that and had to get up. Walk around a bit. IT just said what I feel...what the Laker fans base feels and how it really is. That was one big stare you down, slap you upside your head and GTFO response. Like TRD said...hot damn! Paul did not get away...he was taken and given away but yeah, I get his drift. Yeah, did ALL that and for what? NOTHING! Thanks Pound!
we all feel that way..i hate that it was Houston that had to humble them but they had it coming...those fans seem to have crawled back under their rocks
The series in retrospect was like watching Dumb And Dumber. Both teams should make the playoffs next season and we can all watch the possible sequel.