You can't measure intangibles... Goose has much of it in him. I smiled when the announces brought up "former champion with the Lakers" knowing full well that he has shown that battle hardened mettle before. Paul at his presser...showed frustration in stating that the team is nowhere close to where they want to be. No bench...Jordan could be heading elsewhere.
If Jordan does leave, he'll probably go too Dallas. He could sign a 1 year deal in Dallas and cash in the following year when the television revenue kicks in...he's also from Houston. I think him leaving is higher than I thought at the beginning of the season, though.
Jordan leaves, there goes there anchor, and any sense of defense that team has. The personalities don't match on that team, especially the bench. A bunch of perennial journeymen who continue their style of play instead of team ball. There wasn't a lack of talent on the bench, it was a lack of chemistry. There's nothing else they can do next year that can better this years team. Good riddance.
I thought I didn't care about this series at all, but I take it back.... I feel very satisfied that the Clippers lost here. I hate the teams equally except one exists in my team's city and I feel a strange satisfaction from shutting up all the bandwagon fans in LA It feels so good
Arash Markazi @ArashMarkazi DeAndre Jordan on keeping core together: "I've been here for 7 years. This is what I'm used to."
^I agree with Jordan...they should keep the current squad together even for the next, oh, um, three to five years.
Far be it from me to pile on, but suck it you choking dogs! Suck it Ballmer. The selfies are throwing a party again. Safe for another decade. Blow that team up. No banners coming to the rafters ever to move them from their cool hangout. Blew their best look at it. Downhill from here. Lakers back on the rise. Must go now and find some Clippers DOOM. I know it is out there. Love me that there time shift. No commercials watched. Just get through a game with 2 teams you hate. Enjoy it Rockets. Good luck trying to beat the Warriors. Actually scratch that. No good luck to you going forward. But thanks for contributing to another epic fail in the futile history of Clippers' "clipping".
Okay switched off my phone and now on my laptop. WOWWOWOWOWOWOWOW. The Clippers just keep Clippin' away. Just throwing games away, choking series, getting scared. The place might not be cursed, but they sure as hell aren't shaking the bug off with Chris Paul at the helm. Like someone said earlier Chris Paul NEEDED Kobe. Now he needs Blake, but I think Blake is still a year or two away from being able to carry a team throughout the season AND playoffs (I think he's ready to start doing it, but I doubt if he can win a ring doing it right away). I'm not as happy as I thought I'd be, but I'm still oh so content. I think I knew deep down (just like the Clippers) that they were going to lose this game after the way they lost game 6. I just can't stop smiling when I think of it. I don't like them, their coach, or their new owner who has the emotional capacity of a 5 year old. This town bleeds purple and gold and now all the pretenders can put their jerseys away. The selfies can come down off our walls. The Laker fans can come back out again with a smile and a laugh as we look at our banners, our statues outside Staples, and our rings on rings on rings.
Can't wait for the gif that Paul will live with forever. Of course he had to do that. But it was truly comical and tailor made for a classic, embarrassing gif. Looked like a small horny dog on someone's leg. Busted his a** and flops all season to wind up like that and NO trip yet again to the 3rd round.
Yes SPEND all of your money Ballmer, on top of the ridiculous price you paid for the "clipping" you received. Go waaay over the cap. Your window is NOW. Spend some more. (Shhhh don't anyone tell him there is no window, it just closed)
I just don't know what to do if I'm managing the clips right now. it's clear they can't get it done, but they really can't improve, either. maybe they should basketballreasons paul to the lakers?
I would have been happy with either team loosing, but I think Warriors will have an easier time with the Astros, er I mean Houston. Actually the more I think about it, Clippers blowing a 3-1 series lead culminating in another successful second round yeah that's just too delicious.
What sets this one apart and makes it even sweeter for me is that this time they actually believed. So many Clipper fans really believed that this was it and it was their year and they would rule the city from here on out. Watching them fail so spectacularly is just so satisfying.
Compare CP3 jumping on Dwight Howard with Kobe jumping on Dwight Howard. Opposite ends of "legacy" spectrum.