Me, too. Nice post abeer3. Sums it up for me as well. I don't like the Paper Clips one bit, but Houston? That's a different level. My least favorite team by a mile now.
One caveat for me: I hate Rivers more than I hate the entirety of the Clipper organization and maybe even the C Bags. I cannot stand that man. I have a completely irrational hate for him that makes almost no sense considering I've never met him, but just about everything he does is the opposite of what I'd do. He encourages flopping. Not only flopping, but first creating contact THEN flopping. He encourages his players to target injuries on the opposite team (remember Davis and Shaq?). He is CONSTANTLY whining to the referees and then afterwards claims he's not whining to the referees. He encourages his players to act the same way to referees. He refuses to take responsibility for losses or to put blame on his players for those losses without first pointing blame somewhere else.
i hate the tenants a lil bit more, lj...but all biases aside, if the Rockets win tonight, i think they take game 7
If that is the case...then I would be laughing my *** off. I don't think it will. "Close out games are easy" - Andrew Bynum
epic meltdown in another 2nd round exit...that would just be too much fun as for houston, if they pull it off, they get ripped up by either the dubs or grizz imo
I hate Houston and the clippers equally, so rooting for a winner in this series is easy...who suffers the most humiliation. If Houston loses, it was to be expected because the clips have been playing great. If the clippers lose, it'll be because of a massive 3-1 meltdown while showing they were the better team. To quote Inigo Montoya: "Humiliation galore!" For me, it's anyone but Lebron. I hate him more than realdeal hates Doc.
Biff is better than anyone on the Sprockets by a large margin, IMO. Beard Papas has not proven himself in the playoffs at all.
Rockets are down by 2. Howard splits his free throws. Rockets are making this run without Harden, who has the worst +/- at -21.
what an epic choke job by the clippers. I can't believe they're going to allow Houston to go to the conference finals.
I'm loving this. I would love nothing more than to see CP3 come up short yet again from reaching a conference finals. This game isn't over, and a 7th would have to be won still, but man I'd love it. Houston, no big deal, GS would take them out. Epic choke, Clippers gon Clip, screw CP3 and all these whining floppers.