Who ya got? I'm hoping with the two recent setbacks for the Cavs than the Bulls can step up the plate and send Princess James home. ESPN might shutdown if that happened.
Go Bulls, pleeeeeease. Want to see Pau go far, want to see Rose with a good comeback story, but mostly want to see the Kang and Cleveland cry again.
Cavs in 6 .... Bulls were not able to exploit their full potential all season long due to injuries and Gibson/Noah still aren't in the shape of their life .
Bulls in 7. They are injured but when haven't they been in the playoffs. Let's hope the Bulls big men can take advantage. Rose needs to be MVP Rose.
Bulls is 3. Wishful thinking. I am afraid it will be Cavs in 6-7, but I am hoping that Bulls can somehow win in 7.
I think Cavs in 6 as well, even though the Cavs won't have JR Smith for 2 games and Love for the entire run.
Cavs in 5 or 6. If they applied some Jordan Rules they might have a chance, but I don't have a lot of faith in Chicago.
I'm changing my mind: Bulls in 5. Bulls win the first game in a surprise. Kyrie gets hurt in game 2. LeBron wins game 3, but gives up when he sees how hard it'll be.
Good start by the Bulls, I expect Cle to come back and possibly tie it up later but still good start.
I love Pau but when I see him play like this it kind of gets me frustrated over what went down his last few years with us.
Pau is having a great game so far. Bulls have a chance to win if they start off the game well, if not their offense feels so sluggish.
It's hard to watch this Cavs team, because I love Irving and can't stand LeBron. Bulls better close this out, they lose this one and they'll regret it.