Who would be willing to give up an extra first if it meant keeping Hart? Send Wagner instead for money reasons. Not saying I for sure would, but '19, '21, '23, '25 picks is a lot. But are we going to find someone as good as Hart at those picks?
Posting a smirk on instragram certainly isn't the "level-headed" thing to do. No need to cry...just do nothing. That would be mature. But he is butthurt, so he prefers to act like he enjoys getting his *** shipped out from LA to NO.
Side benefit of the trade is we unloaded youth, hopefully a little more maturity over all from the team.
Ya I wasn't happy about that either. Maybe I'm reaching. I just don't think it is appropriate to "celebrate" or "enjoy" getting traded, it isn't classy. You can hate your employer but the fans embraced these guys while they led us to the lottery. So show respect to the fanbase at least.
^I'm pretty sure the smirks were not intended for the fan base. Besides, the same fan base seems to be happy with the trade and giving away our youth. Do you think they feel embraced right now (as in at the moment of smirking)?
If they are realistic yes they do. We are happy with the trade because we are a lottery team. If players are realistic, they don't expect no changes after a lottery season especially knowing a) LeBron is 34 years old b) AD is a top 5 player in the NBA Actually I think most fans are happy with getting AD...but also sad for trading the young players.
But can we expect them to be realistic as regards the assessment of their own value? Should we in the context of a group of them being worth apparently less than one (albeit great) other player? I personally like my players a little cocky and can fully understand if they felt undervalued by this trade. To be honest, I too feel we overpaid, even though I am still fine with the trade due to Bron's window and the potential to maybe get another star on the Lakers now. But here is the thing - we sacrificed the youth to maximize his window. It may be a smart move from business POV, but I just can't blame the victims of this trade for not fully appreciating it. You cannot expect people to be "reasonable" when it's their future that is at stake. BTW - I see significant potential of us regretting this trade very much in the future. Wouldn't bet on it, but it is a real possibility if we can't build a championship roster around Bron and BI and Ball turn into the players we hoped they would not that long ago.
Agree with this, just say the standard “I enjoyed my time in LA but looking forward to my time with NOLA now and starting a new chapter” etc.