Smith has to be suspended at least a game right? He swung at the dude's face, wow. I have to agree with Love on that foul being intentional though, wasn't a play on the ball, Olynek grabbed his arm and yanked. Yeah you can say he was holding him so his teammate could get the ball, but it was excessive, if not dirty.
Olynek definitely fouled Love intentionally. Did he intend to actually break Love's arm? I'm not so sure about that, but he should definitely be held accountable. The way he yanked on Love's arm was excessive and unnecessary.
It will be interesting to see how many games Smith gets for 2 reasons.... 1.) Silver is the new guy in charge and he hasn't dealt out any suspensions of this magnitude. Does he hit hard and set a precedence for himself? Or does he take it easy? 2.) JR is NOT a 1st time offender - 2006 - Suspended 10 games for fighting - 2009 - Suspended 7 games for reckless driving - 2013 - Suspended 1 game for throwing elbow at player - 2013 - Suspended 5 games for violating drug policy - 2014 - Suspended 1 game for hitting player in groin 6th suspension coming up and 3 so far have been for on court issues. He better get at least 5. He almost KO'd a guy on the court for crying out loud. People are making a big deal out of the Love situation, but this deserves just as much IMO.
Personally I think he should be getting the Artest elbow suspension. That had malicious intent behind, no excuses around that. He knew Crowder was behind him and Crowder was physical with them all game. Like Doc mentioned above, Smith has a history of being suspended, that's the reason why Artest got suspended as much as he did. Let's see what Silver does, in expecting around 5 but I wouldn't be surprised if it was just 1 (more shocked than anything).
Hanson bro with the dirty play ... I don't like Cleveland either but that C-bag probably ended up Love's postseason whereas he's going to miss the 1st couple of games of the next regular season ....
So it has been interesting to see the Media reaction to these two events. First, the dude from the C Bags really didn't do anything that is uncommon in the NBA. Jamelle Hill basically argued that point and I agreed with her. However, people are calling it a dirty play. Im not sold it was "dirty" but it wasn't a basketball play and dude def should be suspended due to the outcome. Again Hill said if Love didn't get his shoulder hurt we wouldn't even be talking about it. Also, Love locked up dudes arm right before that and no one has said a thing. If it was against a Laker I would want a suspension for sure. I think he should get a game or two even though I didn't think he intended to hurt Love. Now, JR Smith should be suspended for the entire 2nd round (at least). His action was no less than that of Ron Artest elbow to Harden. It was worse than Bell's clothes line of Kobe. It was worse than Fisher's murdering of Scola (I think). It was dirty, it was intentional and it did cause serious injury. More importantly unlike Fish and Bell's infractions JR Smith has a history (as Doc pointed out above). Michael Smith was talking abotu 2 game suspension which would be an absolute travesty to guys who have been suspended for less. Throwing a punch in the air gets you a game. leaving the bench during a skirmish gets you a game. Throwing a martial arts style back hand that connects and then results in the injury of the player should warrant a much bigger penalty than 1 additional game. If it was Anthony Davis that threw the punch I'd still think 4-5 games would be good. That is without the history of this type of stuff. Smith should get no less than 5 and up to the 15 that Ron got for his Elbow. New Commissioner better come correct
Smith will get a game or 2 at most, the commish doesn't have the guts to hand down an Artest punishment. Not to the King's team, not with Love out for possibly 2 weeks. If only the damn Bulls had finished off the Bucks, now is the time to strike against the Cavs. I don't even care if lebron would get the injury excuse which is built in now, as long as they're bounced.
Let's not forget about what Perkins did as well, I think he should be suspended a game at least. He essentially did what Fish did to Scola, he set a screen and just flat out shoved Crowder down. And then afterwards during the confrontation he landed a punch to Crowder in the face. Perkins and Smith have the benefit of playing with Lebron. Lets see if Silver has the balls to give the rightful punishment. I'd call BS if there isn't one at all.
They need to review the Porkins incident. I don't see have a shove to the face and an intentional tossing to the ground of Crowder should permit him to play in game one of the bulls series. The Love injury: I don't think it was intentional. That's not in his nature. It wasn't a basketball play and sucks for the always injured Love, but I think it was just an unfortunate series of events. JR should get no less than 3. The fact that I heard some pundits speculate that he may only get one game is f***ed up and makes the league look like the same joke it was under Stern. The hit itself is 3 games. The fact that it injured Crowder + JR's history, I'd give him 6 games off.
His shoulder separation is something to keep an eye on. Like a concussion, once you've had one, you're more prone to have them in the future.
Wow. If this report is true. Perkins should get at least 2 games and Smith should get at least 10. It basically throws the whole, it was just a physical game excuse, out the window. They basically admitted to intentionally going after C Bags players and with it ending in injury, that should not be tolerated.
I wondered about the Smith back hand punch for this reason. Was it in retaliation for the Kevin Love injury? Did not see the game so don't know if the guy that hurt Kevin might have been responding, or whether Perkins too. Only saw the replay on Love's injury and Smith's punch. And I mentioned what Fish did to Scola. Sure these guys retaliate. Chicken and egg question for anyone who saw the game..... who started all the cheap shots, or did it just get out of control from the refs and they both were at fault?
Everything started with Olynyk and Love. Now if that was intentional or not we don't know, dont know enough of Olynyk to know if he would pull a dirty play or not. Then Perkins came in and retaliated with Crowder. After there were more hard fouls from both sides and then Smith's back swing.
Again I did not see the actual game but would automatically doubt that Love was out there initiating with the cheap shots or chippiness. So did Olynyk start the whole chain of events or was he already retaliating for perceived Cleveland cheap shots?
Everything started to happen after Love and Olynyk, that happened mid way through the first if I remember correctly.
From what I saw Love locked up O-dude during a box out. They were still holding each other as the fought to get the ball. Loves arm still across the body of O-dude gets intentionally held by said O-dude. He pulls loves arm and body away from the where the ball is and Loves shoulder dislocates. Like has been stated what both players did was typical in the trenches of the box. The outcome is what the outrage is about. I don't think either player was going for the "cheap shot" or anything of that nature just trying to gain the advantage by some less-than-basketball ways. What Perkins and Smith did was dirty and intentional plays that should be met with sever punishment IMO. In Fact, with the Perkins situation I almost think the League should be looking at the coach for sending in a Goon to basically take a cheapshot. Maybe suspend the Coach for a game. How would Clev fair without Coach Bron?