it's easier for the national press and fans to avoid the ridiculous calls in road games that nobody watches except die-hards for either team. it gets ugly on the national stage. your average fan sees the highlights and probably thinks harden shoots like, 45% (instead of 35%) from three and gets to the rim at will (instead of sometimes, and as a last resort). they don't replay FTAs and flops. it's why wade's 2006 finals highlights are basically non-existent, which is weird considering it was one of the greatest performances evar.
Love it. No gifts for the Rockets like all season and Harden's history there in Houston. Hopefully. Until they do again. Effing Harden and C. Paul .... man!!
The warriors are playing excellent defense to finish this game. Up 10 with 3:45 to go, they better win this, because even if they do I fully expect them to be coming back to Oakland tied 2-2 for game 5. The NBA isn’t going to let what is essentially the actual Finals end in a short series.
Oh and James Harden’s eyes are legitimately injured, clearly, but the foul (uncalled) did seem incidental. It’s extremely hard for me to feel very sorry for the beard who cried wolf.
And here we go with the Rockets f***ery. Masterful flop by Chris Paul, flop by Tucker, rockets cut it to 6 with 1:20.
It took Harden being blinded, Chris Paul looking largely uninvolved, and being at home for the Warriors to win by 6. I am worried.
Maybe you worry too much about this team you detest. CP2 hasn't even had his playoff ending injury yet.
And for that reason I can’t hate on the guy for going to GS. He is clearly the reason they are the team they are. I love the guy and his killer mentality on the court. He’s the best player in the game.
I still hate on him for that. They were soooo close to beating GS, i think they would next year. What's done is done, let's just hope he goes east... and not to the Tennants
houston in 6 was always the more realistic prediction. i overestimated the impact of steph and klay's ankle injuries. brace for blowouts in games 3 and 4. harden gon' be FTAin', role players gon' be drainin' standstill threes left and right. edit: btw, this is where paul really changed that team--pre-paul, harden would have quit after game 2, and this would have been a sweep. i dislike paul intensely, but he doesn't quit and holds people accountable.