Yah. I remember reading some of that kind of (maybe we trade for Dame instead because Portland might do it since they weren't going anywhere) talk and thinking hmmm ..... someone just came back with a new batch of some pretty strong stuff.
I think lots here would trade for Lillard, but we have no shot at him, that’s why he never gets discussed that way. If I were Portland I wouldn’t even trade him for LeBron, obviously because of age, 28 vs 34.
Warriors are yet again struggling to beat the Clippers, a team with zero stars or even an all-star. Lou Williams owning Durant and Iggy. I fear so greatly their run ending next round to the unholy alliance of ‘Antoni, Harden, and CP3. The Bucks may be our last hope. I’m not even sure who I want to lose more if it were C Bags/Rockets. C Bags I hate with my whole being, but rockets winning maybe ruins NBA basketball forever.
Worst nightmare, Rockets - C Bags Finals Anyway, Dubs are screwed. KD is gone, Grren is a scrub (LOL @ anyone who gives him big$), Klay might be gone too.
Maybe the Warriors wake up after this game, who knows? In any case, my position is clear: Fear the Deer!
i'd love a milwaukee/portland final, but you know david stern would rise from the grave and murder everyone if it even became possible. houston/boston is coming our way. brace yourselves. and i'd have to root for boston. as a side note, milwaukee has been the nba's best team all year, and it will be a shame to see them lose to whatever inferior opponent is going to take them out.
The Clippers are obviously not exactly popular around here, and mind you, I'm very far from being a Clippers fan. But I have to respect the team they have right now. They have no business being were they are, and yet there they are. I think Doc Rivers is doing the best job of his life as coach (his Boston team will have more success, but that team was obviously stacked) and players are just giving their all and actually fighting. I think most 8th seeded caliber teams would've come to a series with the Warriors with a Cancun mentality, which is a bit what I feel it happened with teams like Utah, Indiana or Orlando, but the Clippers are doing a really good job fighting. I can't hate them that much right now since I really like Lou Williams, and while Beverley is annoying, this team is not nearly as annoying as the Griffin/Paul team, which is a team I detested. I still don't think they'll beat the Warriors, but I respect the fight they're putting. And please, please, please, don't let abeer's prediction of Houston-Boston come true. I wouldn't be able to cope with that. Portland, Denver, Bucks, Raptors, Philly or even Warriors. I'll gladly live with any of them as champs. I would even applaud most of them.
i actually don't think boston will make it--both toronto and milwaukee are clearly better, imo. though if they somehow take mil, they might beat the perennial playoff flop up north. still, wouldn't wager on them coming out of the east: possible but not probable. i would wager on houston coming out of the west. since they cleaned house a bit in december, they've been the league's best team (ugh). they know they have to win this year, as there's no way paul can keep making it through the playoffs, and harden/gordon/tucker are all heavy guys who have been miraculously healthy in recent years--that will end badly when it does. they're playing like they know this is their shot. meanwhile, golden state is playing like they don't like basketball and are happy this dynasty thing is going to end soon. have been since last year, really. on paper, denver and portland could each give houston a series, but the playoffs are about starpower (unfortunately), and houston's got the big names in one of the biggest markets. let's hope for righteous divine intervention, though. that's not basketball they play. it's hideous and sad. harden's game is an abomination (don't care if it's effective--it's lame). and morey/dantoni/paul are just really dislikeable characters. basketball gods grant giannis the power!
Agree, Magic Skywalker. I can't stand the Clips but I have to hand it to them. They are showing heart and balling. Credit where it's due. Love seeing Lou Williams tear it up.
I bet a couple years ago this whole forum would've sayid no to an Ingram/Lilllard swap (and maybe many still wouldn't do that trade)
I just gotta say, you guys have forgotten about the Spurs. Pop has literally coached his way to a game 7 against the #2 seed in the west. Is no one else amazed by this? Seriously, he has derozan, Aldridge, and a whole bunch of nobodies.
I would be amazed if it wasn't Pop that is coaching this team. Huge respect, he truly is the best coach of all time IMO.
Somewhere @GlickenGoshDebateTactics is laughing his a** off at us. SA should not have been here this year. Lakers should have. He and sirron were right about the karma from LBJ coming. HA!! Big Shaq wink before anyone gets mad.