Bradley Beal broke his wrist, be thankful it's only a sprained ankle and he walked out of the building without a boot or crutches.
They're treating with ice and elevation, that indicates a pretty minor injury. Every injury we've had so far has been something relatively minor. I'm not worried about an ankle sprain if it's that small of one. Especially not for a young guy like him.
glad he is taking tonight off. Rest that ankle and this gives us a closer look at Price to see if he should be given a roster spot. Price's first game he looked real good.
I'd monitor his minutes the rest of preseason, give price and Clarkson some burn at the PG position. We need Lin healthy for the regular season where he will play a bi bulk of minutes with Nash iffy
I have Price ahead of Clarkson at PG, and Ellington ahead of Clarkson at SG. People are treating Clarkson like he's earned something. He had a good Summer League and that's about it. That's what rookies do. Until he learns how to use his strengths within his role, he's got to earn his keep too. I expect him to see some D-League action too. As for Lin, he's fine. It's just being cautious. Give him some more run with this team, he's going to need it.
I'm on my phone (tapatalk) so I can't see signatures, I couldn't remember who it was that had the signature. Glad to see it's become relevant again, not.
The danger is throwing guys out there to play heavy minutes who haven't done it. This is what happened to LA last year. They break down, then the minute strain trickles down to the next group of guys...and before you know it everyone's broken.
Watching his post practice interview from today (link below) it sounded like he was really progressing well but it sounded like he was eying a Sunday return instead of this Thurs.