Good stuff. I think so, too. Their chemistry will improve as time goes on as far I like what I see...
Lin talking about him and Kobe finding their way is sort of what I was thinking last night. Not saying we will be great, or that we are on par with the Warriors, but last night was a game with one team who has played together, and another who hasn't for very long. And that is exactly how it looked.
This is pretty incredible. I like how over the past few years Kobe has taken the mentor role for young players.
He's been mentoring players since the Gasol years. Guys like Trevor Ariza and Shannon Brown owe him their careers right now. I love that he's fully embraced that role now though. The teacher-Kobe. Mentor Mamba.
Even though I watched the game, looked back on his stat line from last night I didn't even realize it in the moment but he had a very solid game. I know in that 1st quarter I was a little worried again that he was over penetrating and not looking for his shot enough. But he soon calmed down and played a great overall game.
With Kobe as his mentor I really hope Lin gets a solid shot at being a starting point guard eventually here in LA. I still really believe in his abilities and what he did while in New York. With Kobe as his mentor, I think he could really improve.
I'm with you. Lin and LA have an opportunity at an extremely beneficial relationship. Lin is an international star and could move product for the Lakers. Lin could really use the platform that is LA to jump-start his other businesses. If he can turn in a really solid season then we could be looking at our long-term PG. I hope he does it. I hope he earns the All-Star votes he's going to get.
Mike Bresnahan @Mike_Bresnahan 1m1 minute ago Jeremy Lin sprained his left ankle at the end of practice. Will be evaluated again tomorrow. ... This just doesn't seem to end -.-
This has gotten beyond old. How hard is it for our players to not step on our other players legs/feet? I just want to see our players actually on the court, why is that too much to ask?
I'm telling you guys. the mother effing la kings sold their souls to the sports gods, screwing all other la teams.
We haven't caught a break with injuries in years. Was the last manageable healthy season of ours in like 2010?
Not really if you think about it... Great regular seasons, but early exits from the playoffs, terrible finishes for the talent they've brought there on the court and with coaching. And then there was the whole Donald Streling thing... Plus the new oever is a nut.( I get he's a Microsoft guy, but telling your players they can't use iPhones in their personal lives, come on).