I honestly thought he was already working with us in some capacity. I just figured he showed up at the new training facility when it opened and started doing stuff, then Jeannie saw him and thought we should probably pay him since he doesn't ever go home.
Not that we didn't want to keep Buechler. He just found a better opportunity (either more $ or bigger role) with Knicks, another big market. Can't blame him or us. I'm happy for him and wish our Summer League Champion Coach the best of luck
Luke could be a potential bottleneck. I was very disappointed in his offense last season. I wished he would have borrowed more from GS and the Triangle. Also he should have hired better assistants instead of his ASU buddies. Last year everything possession we couldn't push in transition we ran a PnR, and when that blew up (because that's the most practiced play by every NBA team on the defensive end), they would ISO Ingram or Kuzma. Instead of firing him (which we can't do), I would implore Magic/Pelinka to force Luke to hire veteran assistants. They will be better respected by guys like Rondo and LeBron and can hopefully make better use of the talent.
I remember Erik Spoletra of the Heat did the same thing in wanting to meet with Mike Brown to talk about how he handled Lebron and what to kind of expect. Even though I believe that quote about "Lebron making everyone's life easier including the coaches" I never really got that feeling when watches the cavs the last few years.
Making life easier in terms of winning. Making teammates better? Never felt like he made players better. He was so dominant he effected the game from his talent. Eastern Conference weakness allowed him an easier path.
Lue still has some ties with the Laker organization even if it seems like ages ago... Classy gesture by him.
A quote from former LeBron coach Mike Brown: From Bill Oram on The Athletic. There's some great stuff in there. It's a piece with interviews from both Lue and Brown on how LeBron is to coach. The gist is that LeBron is really easy to coach, the problems come from media scrutiny and outside influences. They both said that LeBron will come to you immediately if he has a problem with what's going on basketball-wise.
Lebron will help Luke with X's and O's. Luke had gotten better at that has the season progressed, but Luke will expedite growth, encourage new ideas, etc. Same way with our young guys...