Yeah, as I mentioned earlier, this was the game the Lebrons had the best chance of stealing one in Oaktown. Not sure they can do it otherwise in this series. But I guess you never know. That's why they play the games. Still, I think it'll be pretty quick work by GS unless they screw off completely (always possible). By the way JR Smith is an idiot. But we knew that already.
Bingo. Glad you said it. I kind of picked up on it. I think the backlash made some guilt resurface and he doesn't feel comfortable about his first title.
I thought this last series but the LeJames Hardens almost beat them. The CP3 injury saved their butts because Rockets smelled blood, the last few games. This Warriors team is nowhere near the maestro we saw two years ago.
Props to Maginka for getting rid of JC , he's the one of the worst players I ever seen in the playoffs
JR Smith used to do stuff like that all the time in Denver. Really he's been pretty good in Cleveland this was just a reminder that if you leave too much computing up to him (any), he'll run out of RAM fast and crash hard.
I don’t like LeBron, but he’s so dominant it’s ridiculous. And he clearly doesn’t make his teammates better.
What the **** is that? Taunting? Why? Because you're the Ringo Starr of the Warriors and the best player in the world cant beat four All-Stars by himself? How unlikable can you be? If anyone deserves an injury it's this guy. Hate him or not, that performance by LeBron was preposterous. He's the modern day Jerry West and these Warriors are the C Bags.
KD, glorified Melo at best. Started rooting against the Dubs the moment he signed there, now hate them even more.
if Kobe mentality was inserted in his body, the scoring record would never be touched. He'd be unstoppable. It's why guys like Kobe mocked him in the All Star game when he wouldn't even take a shot with the clock winding down when guarded. He was a patsy mentally. But for some reason, with almost no closer options left than him this year, he's finally embraced that he must do it, and he's finding out he's not half bad at it either.