Good good. Lebron played 48 hard minutes and they still lost. Hopefully he plays himself into a career ending injury.
I actually did as well, it was incredibly strange. Curry’s celebrating like he did after hitting that 3 to end the half really irked me, Durant is annoying, and Draymond is not enjoyable to root for. I couldn’t help feeling respect for the game LeBron was having, he could not be stopped, except funny enough, by the refs.
i gotta admit...that was not a blocking foul on lebron there he impressed me tonight for sure. thank god for jr
It's hard to root for the Warriors. You have 4 All-Stars and a coach who played with MJ (not that it matters) and you couldn't beat a one man band? This team is nobody's dynasty and I wish people would stop comparing them to the Lakers or Bulls. And again KD ruined their flow and chemistry.
He kinda doesn’t fit. I mean any star could join that team and do what he is doing, and less. He’s just excess and to me tarnishes last year’s championship and this year’s too. I think deep down he can’t feel too satisfied with his ring.
They've turned into a bunch of annoying front runners. 2 years ago they were my "2nd fav team" just caus they were so fun to watch.... but now I'd love to see LeBron take em down all by himself
How has no one slapped the s*** out of Draymond yet? A guy with 13/11/9 has no business acting like he won the game against a guy with 51/8/8.
Hate away... But wishing to dead a guy's livelihood, let alone his health. Can't respect that bro. Anyways...pretty entertaining game and I agree with the folks that this just shows the Dubs are juggernots! Go fulfill the #2018plan and take it to their heads next year.
I used to love watching pre-Durant Warriors, they were so entertaining. But post-Durant Warriors are so annoying. In other news, this was the game Cavs needed to win, especially with that performance from Lebron. I don't think the rest of the games will be as close.
I know I'm f****d up. Can't help it. Good thing I never played competitive sports. I'd probably be a Tanya Harding